Running on Kubernetes

Running on Kubernetes

This wiki will outline how we plan to orchestrate the execution of CDAP programs on top of Kubernetes.



Kubernetes requires that a Docker image be created in order to run something, so the process of executing a program will look like:

  1. Create a Docker image from the program jar and its dependencies.
  2. Upload this image to a local repository.
  3. Point Kubernetes to this image and execute the program.


Creating the Docker image (options)

  1. Java Programmatic API around Docker client: https://github.com/docker-java/docker-java.
  2. Bazel - Java-based build system that can build Docker images.
    See also: https://medium.com/bitnami-perspectives/building-docker-images-without-docker-c619061b13a9
    See also: https://blog.bazel.build/2015/07/28/docker_build.html
  3. Construct a docker command string and leverage shell utilities from Java.


Hosting the Docker image (options)

  1. Docker Registry - a stateless server-side application used for storing and distributing Docker images.
  2. Docker Hub - might be too heavyweight and reliant on external services for our use case.
  3. Quay (from CoreOS) - not free or open source, so not high on the list.





  • Have some numbers around building a Docker image.
  • How can Kubernetes be the runtime under the Twill API, instead of YARN? What are the issues with this integration? What in the Twill API can't be supported?
  • Is there a programmatic API (or at least RESTful) around Kubernetes command-line?
  • How can CDAP master talk to the Kubernetes master to get program status (or any of the Kubernetes interactions)?
  • How long will a Docker image take to run a CDAP program - with and without a base image that has as much as possible of the common stuff?
  • How can we leverage functionality in Kubernetes to avoid a dependency on Zookeeper? Or should we just use etcd regardless of whether we're using Kubernetes or not?
  • Do we need provisioner hooks? For instance, to kick off an instance of Docker Registry after provisioning a Kubernetes cluster?
  • Do research about difficulty of use for YARN vs Kubernetes, ZooKeeper vs etcd.



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Created in 2020 by Google Inc.