CDAP Microservices Guide
The Cask Data Application Platform (CDAP) enables Microservices through an HTTP interface for multitude of purposes: from deploying custom applications through checking the status of system and custom CDAP services. V3 of the Microservices includes the namespacing of applications, data, and metadata to achieve application and data isolation. This is an initial step towards introducing multi-tenancy into CDAP.
Introduction: Conventions, converting from CDAP Microservices v2, naming restrictions, status codes, and working with CDAP security
General APIs
Namespace: Creating and managing namespaces
Metadata: Setting, retrieving, and deleting user metadata annotations
Preferences: Setting, retrieving, and deleting preferences
Configuration: Retrieving the CDAP and HBase configurations
Security: Granting, revoking and listing privileges on CDAP entities, managing secure storage
Transactions: Interacting with the transaction service
Major CDAP Entities APIs
Artifact: Deploying artifacts and retrieving details about plugins available to artifacts and classes contained within artifacts
Lifecycle: Deploying and managing applications, and managing the lifecycle of MapReduce programs, Spark programs, workflows, and custom services
Pipeline: Creating, updating, retrieving details of data pipelines in Draft mode.
Profile: Management of cloud runtime profiles
Dataset: Interacting with datasets, dataset modules, and dataset types
Service: Supports making requests to the methods of an application’s services
Workflow: Retrieving values from workflow tokens and statistics on workflow runs
Logging, Metrics, and Monitoring APIs
Logging: Retrieving application logs
Metrics: Metrieving metrics for system and user applications (user-defined metrics)
Monitor: Checking the status of various system and custom CDAP services
Dashboard: Check in real time status of past program runs and predict future resource usage
Reports: Generate reports to understand and monitor program runs and their performance
Created in 2020 by Google Inc.