Google CloudSQL PostgreSQL Execute Action

Google CloudSQL PostgreSQL Execute Action

Action that runs a PostgreSQL command on a CloudSQL PostgreSQL instance.

The action can be used whenever you want to run a PostgreSQL command before or after a data pipeline. For example, you may want to run a SQL update command on a database before the pipeline source pulls data from tables.



Macro Enabled?

Version Introduced



Macro Enabled?

Version Introduced


Driver Name



Required. Name of the JDBC driver to use.

Default is cloudsql-postgresql.





Required. PostgreSQL database name.




Optional. User identity for connecting to the specified database.




Optional. Password to use to connect to the specified database.

CloudSQL Instance Type



Optional. Whether the CloudSQL instance to connect to is private or public.

Default is Public.

Connection Name




Required. The CloudSQL instance to connect to in the format <PROJECT_ID>:<REGION>:<INSTANCE_NAME>. Can be found in the instance overview page.




Optional. Port that PostgreSQL is running on.

Default is 5432.

Database Command



Required. Database command to execute.

Connection Timeout



Optional. The timeout value used for socket connect operations. If connecting to the server takes longer than this value, the connection is broken.The timeout is specified in seconds and a value of zero means that it is disabled.

Default is 10.

Connection Arguments



Optional. A list of arbitrary string key/value pairs as connection arguments. These arguments will be passed to the JDBC driver as connection arguments for JDBC drivers that may need additional configurations.


Connecting to a public CloudSQL PostgreSQL instance

Suppose you want to execute a query against a CloudSQL PostgreSQL database named “prod”, as “postgres” user with “postgres” password (Get the latest version of the CloudSQL socket factory jar with driver and dependencies here), then configure plugin with:

Driver Name: "cloudsql-postgresql" Database Command: "UPDATE table_name SET price = 20 WHERE ID = 6" Instance Name: [PROJECT_ID]:[REGION]:[INSTANCE_NAME] CloudSQL Instance Type: "Public" Database: "prod" Username: "postgres" Password: "postgres"

Connecting to a private CloudSQL PostgreSQL instance

If you want to connect to a private CloudSQL PostgreSQL instance, create a Compute Engine VM that runs the CloudSQL Proxy docker image using the following command

# Set the environment variables export PROJECT=[project_id] export REGION=[vm-region] export ZONE=`gcloud compute zones list --filter="name=${REGION}" --limit 1 --uri --project=${PROJECT}| sed 's/.*\///'` export SUBNET=[vpc-subnet-name] export NAME=[gce-vm-name] export POSTGRESQL_CONN=[postgresql-instance-connection-name] # Create a Compute Engine VM gcloud beta compute --project=${PROJECT_ID} instances create ${INSTANCE_NAME} --zone=${ZONE} --machine-type=g1-small --subnet=${SUBNE} --no-address --metadata=startup-script="docker run -d -p gcr.io/cloudsql-docker/gce-proxy:1.16 /cloud_sql_proxy -instances=${POSTGRESQL_CONNECTION_NAME}=tcp:" --maintenance-policy=MIGRATE --scopes=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform --image=cos-69-10895-385-0 --image-project=cos-cloud

Optionally, you can promote the internal IP address of the VM running the Proxy image to a static IP using

# Get the VM internal IP export IP=`gcloud compute instances describe ${NAME} --zone ${ZONE} | grep "networkIP" | awk '{print $2}'` # Promote the VM internal IP to static IP gcloud compute addresses create postgresql-proxy --addresses ${IP} --region ${REGION} --subnet ${SUBNET}

Get the latest version of the CloudSQL socket factory jar with driver and dependencies from the Hub, and then configure the plugin with:


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Created in 2020 by Google Inc.