
Plugin version: 1.12.0

A control flow plugin that allows conditional execution within pipelines. The conditions are specified as expressions and the variables could include values specified as runtime arguments of the pipeline, token from plugins prior to the condition and global that includes global information about pipeline like stage, pipeline, logical start time and plugin.

Condition plugin specifies a boolean expression to be evaluated. During pipeline execution, the condition expression specified is evaluated resulting in boolean value (either true or false). Depending on the result of evaluation, either the downstream pipeline connected along true path is executed or along the false path is executed. At at point in time, only one path is executed.

More information can be found here


  • Checks if the runtime argument filepath contains input.

    runtime['filepath'] =~ ".*input_.*"
  • Checks two runtime arguments a and b.

    runtime['a'] > runtime['b']
  • Checks output record count of File plugin from token with runtime value count.

    token['File']['output'] > runtime['count']
  • Checks error record count of Data Quality plugin from token with runtime value max_error

  • Checks if a runtime argument value is provided and it’s not null and plugin File error count is less than 1.

  • Takes the max of plugin File1 output count and File output count and checks if it’s greater than runtime argument that is specified as a macro.

Created in 2020 by Google Inc.