Viewing Wrangler Service logs

The Wrangler Service powers the interactive Wrangler UI. The Wrangler Service is not used by Wrangler transformations in pipelines. If the Wrangler Service is down, the Wrangler UI will not be usable, but pipelines will continue to operate without issue.

You can view the log file to troubleshoot problems that might occur with the Wrangler Service.

To view the Wrangler Service log, follow these steps:

  1. In the upper right corner in Wrangler, click System Admin.
    A list of services appears showing the status.

  2. Click View Logs for the Wrangler Service.

    The log opens. You can scroll through to the log to look for specific errors.

  3. After you review the log file, to return to Wrangler, click the hamburger icon, and then click Wrangler.
    Your current datasets display.

Created in 2020 by Google Inc.