Upgrading the Wrangler transformation plugin version
You can deploy the latest version of the Wrangler transform to the Pipeline Studio for use in data pipelines. However, you cannot upgrade the installed version of the Wrangler application independently from CDAP and the Pipeline Studio. You can only deploy a newer version of the Wrangler transformation plugin for use in a pipeline. If you want to use a newer version, you have to add it to a pipeline and wrangle from the pipeline. If you start data prep from Wrangler, the pipeline will have the installed version of the Wrangler transformation. You cannot swap the installed version in the pipeline with the newer version.
For example, you install CDAP 6.2.0/Wrangler 4.1.5. Then, you deploy the Wrangler transformation plugin 4.1.6. When you create a Wrangler transformation in the Wrangler and then Create a Pipeline, the Wrangler transformation version is 4.1.5 for that pipeline. You cannot change the version to 4.1.6. To use a Wrangler 4.1.6 transformation in a pipeline, you must create a pipeline in the Pipeline Studio, add a Wrangler 4.1.6 transformation, and then open the Wrangler transformation and click Wrangler to add the transformation logic to the pipeline.
To deploy a newer version of the Wrangler transformation plugin to your CDAP instance, follow these steps:
Open the Pipeline Studio.
In the plugin palette on the left, under Transform, find Wrangler.
To see the installed version of Wrangler, hover your mouse over the Wrangler transformation. Or, if you create a pipeline from the Wrangler UI, the version displays in the Wrangler plugin.
To see if there’s a more recent version of the Wrangler plugin, open the Hub.
Click on Plugins and scroll to find the Wrangler Transform Plugin.
To install the latest version of Wrangler, click Wrangler Transform Plugin and click Deploy.
Click Finish to deploy the plugin.
You can either Create a new pipeline or return to the CDAP home page.To make the latest version of Wrangler the system default for pipelines, in the Pipeline Studio, go to the Plugin palette and hover over Wrangler. Click Change and select the latest version as the default.
You can now add the latest version of Wrangler to pipelines.
Created in 2020 by Google Inc.