- RunRecord corrector doesn't correct records in STARTING stateCDAP-12500Resolved issue: CDAP-12500Albert Shau
- CombineFileInputFormat does not work with PFS as inputCDAP-12054Resolved issue: CDAP-12054Ali Anwar
- Fix the scope for artifact in Kafka pluginCDAP-12049Resolved issue: CDAP-12049Bhooshan Mogal
- cdap-kafka-server simply stops if the kafka.server.log.dirs is not writableCDAP-12041Resolved issue: CDAP-12041Bhooshan Mogal
- HBase compat module matched for HBase version 1.2.0-cdh5.12.0 is incorrectCDAP-12022Resolved issue: CDAP-12022Chengfeng Mao
- TMS clients don't reuse underlying connectionsCDAP-12020Resolved issue: CDAP-12020Terence Yim
- Metrics processing causes region hotspottingCDAP-12017Resolved issue: CDAP-12017Vinisha Shah
- In MapR fs, the stream reader sometimes read from invalidate positionCDAP-12016Resolved issue: CDAP-12016Terence Yim
- Namespace deletion should clean up the hive tables before dropping the hive database.CDAP-12006Resolved issue: CDAP-12006Bhooshan Mogal
- The UGI cache should return correct ugi for each entityCDAP-11985Resolved issue: CDAP-11985Yaojie Feng
- Improve parsing for HDP version in the Ambari serviceCDAP-11981Resolved issue: CDAP-11981Matt Wuenschel
- Add a configuration for the frequency of getting MapReduce task reportsCDAP-11959Resolved issue: CDAP-11959Andreas Neumann
- Sometimes wrong user is used to delete the namespace in explore.CDAP-11955Resolved issue: CDAP-11955Yaojie Feng
- PartitionConsumer should have a way to limit the life time of its scannerCDAP-11949Resolved issue: CDAP-11949Andreas Neumann
- Flushes and compactions can remove committed dataCDAP-11948Resolved issue: CDAP-11948Ali Anwar
- MapReduce status is sometimes successful even though the job failedCDAP-11937Resolved issue: CDAP-11937Andreas Neumann
- Hydrator pipelines does not impersonate creation of datasets using macroCDAP-11880Resolved issue: CDAP-11880Yaojie Feng
- Dataset upgrade step doesn't properly impersonateCDAP-11815Resolved issue: CDAP-11815Ali Anwar
- Reading WorkFlowNodeStateDetail from MDS may throw NPECDAP-11795Resolved issue: CDAP-11795Andreas Neumann
- Fatal startup errors logged at DEBUGCDAP-11785Resolved issue: CDAP-11785Bhooshan Mogal
- Table of Contents on the left side should retain scroll position upon toggling disclosure triangleCDAP-11742Resolved issue: CDAP-11742Bhooshan Mogal
- Hive ATSHook fails to execute in Secure Hadoop clustersCDAP-11704Resolved issue: CDAP-11704Ali Anwar
- Improve the experience of renaming a columnCDAP-11686Resolved issue: CDAP-11686Bhooshan Mogal
- Add failure reason to Realtime pipeline failure lifecycle logCDAP-11679Resolved issue: CDAP-11679Sreevatsan Raman
- Colors are different in different UI elementsCDAP-11665Resolved issue: CDAP-11665Bhooshan Mogal
- CDAP should capture and index format of datasets where applicableCDAP-11664Resolved issue: CDAP-11664Bhooshan Mogal
- Group By and Order By queries in Explore are failing on StandaloneCDAP-11660Resolved issue: CDAP-11660Vinisha Shah
- Data Prep should allow users to join on spaceCDAP-11657Resolved issue: CDAP-11657Bhooshan Mogal
- Move Data Prep link to navbarCDAP-11656Resolved issue: CDAP-11656Edwin Elia
- Tracker and Data Prep apps should be enabled by default in the default namespace on SandboxCDAP-11655Resolved issue: CDAP-11655Gokul Gunasekaran
- Spark Streaming with Checkpointing captures old run configurationCDAP-11651Resolved issue: CDAP-11651Terence Yim
- When a pipeline contains a macro as a source/sink dataset name, usage doesn't get registeredCDAP-11647Bhooshan Mogal
- Upgrade Tool should prevent upgrade if master is runningCDAP-11633Resolved issue: CDAP-11633Shankar Selvam
- Parsed Literals showing examples incorrectlyCDAP-11610Sreevatsan Raman
- Run time parameters in preview modeCDAP-11603Resolved issue: CDAP-11603Bhooshan Mogal
- Asterisk(*) as Delimiter in split-to-columns works in Data Prep, but fails in PipelineCDAP-11595Sreevatsan Raman
- If configurations for the DDL executor extension are provided and DDL executor jar is not available, we should error out.CDAP-11594Resolved issue: CDAP-11594Sagar Kapare
- Document changes in schedule APICDAP-11529Resolved issue: CDAP-11529John Jackson
- Show stats (no. of rows and columns) of data in data prepCDAP-11521Resolved issue: CDAP-11521Ankit Jain
- Show format of data and allow updates where applicable in data prepCDAP-11520Resolved issue: CDAP-11520Bhooshan Mogal
- Information type detection in WranglerCDAP-11507Resolved issue: CDAP-11507Russ Savage
- add trim, ltrim, rtrim directivesCDAP-11506Resolved issue: CDAP-11506Ke Wang
- Confirmation modal for deleting a dataset instance has weird, non-English titleCDAP-11488Resolved issue: CDAP-11488Bhooshan Mogal
- Wrangler doesn't have a way to handle bytes in a structured recordCDAP-11486Resolved issue: CDAP-11486Russ Savage
- If Hive version is not supported, CDAP master silently diesCDAP-11484Resolved issue: CDAP-11484Chengfeng Mao
- parse-as-log isn't working in the UICDAP-11482Resolved issue: CDAP-11482Tony Bach
- Wrangle might throw exception on AzureCDAP-11480Resolved issue: CDAP-11480yan stein
- Search in documentation does not return relevant resultsCDAP-11475Sreevatsan Raman
- SQLServer JDBC Opens, Closes connection and Validates Per Row Causing BottleneckCDAP-11473Resolved issue: CDAP-11473Bhooshan Mogal
- Data Pipeline - Realtime missing an icon on pipelines list viewCDAP-11471Resolved issue: CDAP-11471Tony Bach
50 of 159
If I add a macro to the Format field in a File source and click Validate, I get an error. This happens in 6.4.0, 6.4.1, and 6.5.0. It doesn't happen in 6.3.0.
"Null error occurred while configuring the stage file."