Partitioned FileSet (Deprecated)
While a FileSet is a convenient abstraction over actual file system interfaces, it still requires the application to be aware of file system paths. For example, an application that maintains data over time might have a new file for every month. One could come up with a naming convention that encodes the month into each file name, and share that convention across all applications that use this file set. Yet that can become tedious to manage, especially if the naming convention should ever change—then all applications would have to be changed simultaneously for proper functioning.
The PartitionedFileSet
dataset relieves applications from understanding file name conventions. Instead, it associates a partition key with a path. Because different paths cannot have the same partition key, this allows applications to address the file(s) at that path uniquely through their partition keys, or more broadly through conditions over the partition keys. For example, the months of February through June of a particular year, or the month of November in any year. By inheriting the attributes—such as format and schema—of FileSets, PartitionedFileSets are a powerful abstraction over data that is organized into files.
Creating a PartitionedFileSet
To create and use a PartitionedFileSet in an application, you create it as part of the application configuration, similar to FileSets. However, the partitioning has to be given as an additional property:
public void configure() {
createDataset("results", PartitionedFileSet.class, PartitionedFileSetProperties.builder()
// Properties for partitioning
// Properties for file set
.setOutputProperty(TextOutputFormat.SEPERATOR, ",")
This creates a new PartitionedFileSet named results. Similar to FileSets, it specifies TextInputFormat
and TextOutputFormat.
; for the output format, we specify that the separator between fields is a comma. The difference to a FileSet is that this dataset is partitioned by league and season. This means that every file added to this dataset must have a partitioning key with a unique combination of league and season.
Note that any of the properties that apply to FileSets can also be used for PartitionedFileSets (they apply to the embedded FileSet). If you configure a PartitionedFileSet as external using setDataExternal(true)
, then the embedded FileSet becomes read-only. You can still add partitions for locations that were written by an external process. But dropping a partition will only delete the partition's metadata, whereas the actual file remains intact. Similarly, if you drop or truncate an external PartitionedFileSet, its files will not be deleted.
Similarly to a FileSet, a PartitionedFileSet can reuse an existing location in HDFS and an existing Hive table for Explore. Use one of these two options:
: This directs the PartitionedFileSet to accept an existing location as its base path and an existing table in Hive for exploring. Because the existing location may contain pre-existing files, and the Hive table may have pre-existing partitions, the location and the Hive table will not be deleted when the dataset is dropped, and truncating the FileSet will have no effect on the file system or the Hive table. This is to ensure that no pre-existing data is deleted.setPossessExisting(true)
: This also allows reuse of an existing location. However, the PartitionedFileSet will assume ownership of existing files in that location and of the Hive table and all its existing partitions, which means that these files and partitions will be deleted if the dataset is either dropped or truncated.
In order to make the PartitionedFileSet explorable, additional properties are needed, as described in “Exploring PartitionedFileSets”.
Reading and Writing PartitionedFileSets
You can interact with the files in a PartitionedFileSet directly through the Location
abstraction of the file system. This is similar to a FileSet, but instead of a relative path, you specify a partition key to obtain a Partition; you can then get a Location from that Partition.
For example, to read the content of a partition:
PartitionKey key = PartitionKey.builder().addStringField("league", ...)
.addIntField("season", ...)
Partition partition = dataset.getPartition(key);
if (partition != null) {
try {
Location location = partition.getLocation();
InputStream inputStream = location.getInputStream();
} catch (IOException e) {
Note that if the partition was written with MapReduce, the location is actually a directory that contains part files. In that case, list the files in the directory to find the part files:
for (Location file : location.list()) {
if (file.getName().startsWith("part")) {
InputStream inputStream = location.getInputStream();
Instead of reading a single partition, you can also specify a PartitionFilter to query the partitioned file set for all partitions whose keys match that filter. The PartitionFilter can specify either an exact value (en equality condition) or a range for the value of each field in the dataset's partitioning. For example, the following code reads all partitions for the NFL and the '80s seasons:
Note that the upper bound for the seasons (1990) is exclusive; that is, the 1990 season is not included in the returned partitions. For a range condition, either the lower or the upper bound may be null, meaning that the filter in unbounded in that direction.
Adding a partition is similar; however, instead of a Partition, you receive a PartitionOutput
for the partition key. That object has methods to obtain a Location and to add the partition once you have written to that Location. For example, this code writes to a file named part
under the location returned from the PartitionOutput
Using PartitionedFileSets in MapReduce
A partitioned file set can be accessed in MapReduce in a similar fashion to a FileSet. The difference is that instead of input and output paths, you specify a partition filter for the input and a partition key for the output. For example, the MapReduce program of the SportResults example reads as input all partitions for the league given in its runtime arguments, and writes as output a partition with that league as the only key:
Here, the initialize
method of the MapReduce generates the runtime arguments for the partitioned file sets that specify the input partition filter and output partition key. This is convenient for starting the MapReduce, because only a single argument has to be given for the MapReduce run. If that code was not in the initialize()
, you could still achieve the same result by specifying the partition filter and key explicitly in the MapReduce runtime arguments. For example, give these arguments when starting the MapReduce through a RESTful call:
Dynamic Partitioning of MapReduce Output
A MapReduce job can write to multiple partitions of a PartitionedFileSet using the DynamicPartitioner
class. To do so, define a class that implements DynamicPartitioner
. The core method to override is the getPartitionKey
method; it maps a record's key and value to a PartitionKey
, which defines which Partition
the record should be written to:
Then set the class of the custom partitioner as runtime arguments of the output PartitionedFileSet:
With this, each record processed by the MapReduce job will be written to a path corresponding to the Partition
that it was mapped to by the DynamicPartitioner
, and the set of new Partition
s will be registered with the output PartitionedFileSet
at the end of the job.
Note that by default, any partitions written to must not previously exist. Otherwise, the MapReduce job will fail at the end of the job and none of the partitions will be added to the PartitionedFileSet
. However, a DynamicPartitioner can also be configured to allow appending to or overwriting existing partitions. For instance, below is an example of configuring the same DynamicPartitioner to allow appending to a partition if it already exists. If it does not already exist, the partition will be created:
Likewise, CREATE_OR_OVERWRITE has the effect of overwriting any contents of any previously-existing partition.
Incrementally Processing PartitionedFileSets
Processing using MapReduce
One way to process a partitioned file set is with a repeatedly-running MapReduce program that, in each run, reads all partitions that have been added since its previous run. This requires that the MapReduce program persists between runs which partitions have already been consumed. An easy way is to use the PartitionBatchInput
, an experimental feature introduced in CDAP 3.3.0. Your MapReduce program is responsible for providing an implementation of DatasetStatePersistor
to persist and then read back its state. In this example, the state is persisted to a row in a KeyValue Table, using the convenience class KVTableStatePersistor
; however, other types of Datasets can also be used. In the initialize
method of the MapReduce, specify the partitioned file set to be used as input as well as the DatasetStatePersistor
to be used:
This will read back the previously persisted state, determine the new partitions to read based upon this state, and compute a new state to store in memory until a call to the onFinish
method of the returned PartitionCommitter
. The dataset is instantiated with the set of new partitions to read as input and set as input for the MapReduce job.
To save the state of partition processing, call the returned PartitionCommitter's onFinish
method. This ensures that the next time the MapReduce job runs, it processes only the newly committed partitions:
Processing using Other Programs
Partitions of a partitioned file set can also be incrementally processed from other program types using the generic PartitionConsumer
APIs. The implementation of these APIs that can be used from multiple instances of a program is ConcurrentPartitionConsumer
. To use, you simply need to provide the instance of the partitioned file set you want to consume from, along with a StatePersistor
, responsible for managing persistence of the consumer's state:
The consumePartitions
method of the PartitionConsumer
can optionally take in a limit (an int), which will limit the number of returned partitions. It can also take in a PartitionAcceptor
, which allows you to define a custom method to limit the number of partitions. For instance, it may be useful to limit the number of partitions to process at a time, and have it be based on the size of the partitions:
It can then be used as:
Exploring PartitionedFileSets
A partitioned file set can be explored with ad-hoc queries if you enable it at creation time:
The essential part (to enable exploration) of the above sample are these lines:
This results in the creation of an external table in Hive with the schema given in the setExploreSchema()
. The supported formats (set by setExploreFormat()
) are csv
and text
. Both define that the format is text. For csv
, the field delimiter is a comma, whereas for text
, you can specify the field delimiter using setExploreFormatProperty()
For example, to use a colon as the field separator:
If your file format is not text, you can still explore the dataset, but you need to give detailed instructions when creating the dataset. For example, to use Avro as the file format:
You need to specify the SerDe, the input format, the output format, and any additional properties any of these may need as table properties. This is an experimental feature and only tested for Avro; see the FileSet Exploration for more details.
PartitionedFileSets and Transactions
A PartitionedFileSet is a hybrid of a non-transactional FileSet and a transactional Table that stores the partition metadata. As a consequence, operations that need access to the partition table (such as adding a partition or listing partitions) can only be performed in the context of a transaction, while operations that only require access to the FileSet (such as getPartitionOutput()
or getEmbeddedFileSet()
) can be performed without a transaction.
Because a FileSet is not a transactional dataset, it normally does not participate in a transaction rollback: files written in a transaction are not rolled back if the transaction fails; and files deleted in a transaction are not restored. However, in the context of a PartitionedFileSet, consistency between the partition files and the partition metadata is desired. As a consequence, the FileSet embedded in a PartitionedFileSet behaves transactionally as follows:
is used to add a new partition, and the transaction fails, then the location of that PartitionOutput is deleted.If a partition is added as the output of a MapReduce program, and the MapReduce fails, then the partition and its files are removed as part of the job cleanup.
However, if a partition is added using
with an existing relative path in the FileSet, then the files at that location are not removed on transaction failure.If a partition is deleted using
, then the partition and its files are restored if the transaction fails.
Created in 2020 by Google Inc.