Table API (Deprecated)

The Table API provides basic methods to perform read, write and delete operations, plus special scan, atomic increment and compare-and-swap operations:

// Read public Row get(Get get) public Row get(byte[] row) public byte[] get(byte[] row, byte[] column) public Row get(byte[] row, byte[][] columns) public Row get(byte[] row, byte[] startColumn, byte[] stopColumn, int limit) // Scan public Scanner scan(byte[] startRow, byte[] stopRow) // Write public void put(Put put) public void put(byte[] row, byte[] column, byte[] value) public void put(byte[] row, byte[][] columns, byte[][] values) // Compare And Swap public boolean compareAndSwap(byte[] row, byte[] column, byte[] expectedValue, byte[] newValue) // Increment and return result public Row incrementAndGet(Increment increment) public long incrementAndGet(byte[] row, byte[] column, long amount) public Row incrementAndGet(byte[] row, byte[][] columns, long[] amounts) // Increment without result public void increment(Increment increment) public void increment(byte[] row, byte[] column, long amount) public void increment(byte[] row, byte[][] columns, long[] amounts) // Delete public void delete(Delete delete) public void delete(byte[] row) public void delete(byte[] row, byte[] column) public void delete(byte[] row, byte[][] columns)

Each basic operation has a method that takes an operation-type object as a parameter plus handy methods for working directly with byte arrays. If your application code already deals with byte arrays, you can use the latter methods to save a conversion.


get operation reads all columns or a selection of columns of a single row:

Table t; byte[] rowKey1; byte[] columnX; byte[] columnY; int n; // Read all columns of a row Row row = t.get(new Get("rowKey1")); // Read specified columns from a row Row rowSelection = t.get(new Get("rowKey1").add("column1").add("column2")); // Reads a column range from x (inclusive) to y (exclusive) // with a limit of n return values rowSelection = t.get(rowKey1, columnX, columnY; n); // Read only one column in one row byte[] value = t.get(rowKey1, columnX);

The Row object provides access to the row data including its columns. If only a selection of row columns is requested, the returned Row object will contain only these columns. The Row object provides an extensive API for accessing returned column values:

// Get column value as a byte array byte[] value = row.get("column1"); // Get column value of a specific type String valueAsString = row.getString("column1"); Integer valueAsInteger = row.getInt("column1");

When requested, the value of a column is converted to a specific type automatically. If the column is absent in a row, the returned value is null. To return primitive types, the corresponding methods accept a default value to be returned when the column is absent:

Multiple rows can be requested together using a variation of the get operation that takes a list of Get objects to be retrieved:

Each Row object in the returned list will contain the results for one of the requested row keys. When multiple rows must be retrieved together, this version of the get operation allows the storage provider to perform more efficient batching of the operations, if supported.


scan operation fetches a subset of rows or all of the rows of a Table:

To scan a set of rows not bounded by startRow and/or stopRow you can pass null as their value:


put operation writes data into a row:

Note that the column value cannot be empty, that is, it must have at least length one.

Compare and Swap

A swap operation compares the existing value of a column with an expected value, and if it matches, replaces it with a new value. The operation returns true if it succeeds and false otherwise:

Note that the column value cannot be empty, that is, it must have at least length one.


An increment operation increments a long value of one or more columns by either 1L or an integer amount n. If a column does not exist, it is created with an assumed value of zero before the increment is applied:

If the existing value of the column cannot be converted to a long, a NumberFormatException will be thrown.

Two types of increment operations are supported:

  • incrementAndGet(...) operations will increment the currently stored value and return the result; and

  • increment(...) operations will increment the currently stored value without any return value.

Read-less Increments

By default, an increment operation will need to first perform a read operation to find the currently stored column value, apply the increment to the stored value, and then write the final result. For high write volume workloads, with only occasional reads, this can impose a great deal of unnecessary overhead for increments.

In these situations, you can configure the dataset to support read-less increments. With read-less increments, each operation only performs a write operation, storing the incremental value for the column in a new cell. This completely eliminates the cost of the read operation when performing increments. Instead, when reading the value for a column storing data for read-less increments, all of the stored increment values are read and summed up together with the last stored complete sum, in order to compute the final result. As a result, read operations become more expensive, but this trade-off can be very beneficial for workloads dominated by writes.

Read-less increments can only be used with the increment(...) operation, since it does not return a value. To configure a dataset to support read-less increments:

  1. Set the property dataset.table.readless.increment to true in the Dataset properties.

  2. Use the increment(...) methods for any operations that do not need the result value of the increment operation.

Note: the current implementation of read-less increments uses an HBase coprocessor to prefix the stored values for incremental updates with a special prefix. Since this prefix could occur naturally in other stored data values, it is highly recommended that increments be stored in a separate dataset and not be mixed in with other types of values. This will ensure that other data is not mis-identified as a stored increment and prevent incorrect results.


A delete operation removes an entire row or a subset of its columns:

Note that specifying a set of columns helps to perform delete operation faster. When you want to delete all the columns of a row and you know all of them, passing all of them will make the deletion faster. Deleting all the columns of a row will also delete the entire row, as the underlying implementation of a Table is a columnar store.

Writing from MapReduce

Table implements the BatchWritable interface, using byte[] as the key and Put as the value for each write. To write to a table from MapReduce, use these types as the output types of your Reducer (or Mapper in case of a map-only program). For example, the Reducer can be defined as follows:

Note that here, the key is always ignored, because the Put that is provided as the value also contains the row key. It would therefore also be safe to write null for the key:

Pre-Splitting a Table into Multiple Regions

When the underlying storage for a Table Dataset (or any Dataset that uses a Table underneath, such as a KeyValueTable) is HBase, CDAP allows you to configure pre-splitting to gain a better distribution of data operations after the tables are created. This helps optimize for better performance, depending on your use case.

To specify the splits for a Table-based Dataset, you use the hbase.splits dataset property. The value must contain a JSON-formatted byte[][] of the split keys, such as:

The above will create four regions; the first of which will receive all rows whose first byte is in the range 0…63; the second will receive the range 64…127, the third will receive the range 128…191 and the fourth will receive the range 192…255.

You set Dataset properties when you create the Dataset, either during application deployment or via CDAP's Microservices. The following is an example of the former; for an example of the latter, see the Dataset HTTP Microservices.

To configure pre-splitting for a Table created during application deployment, in your application class' configure() you specify:


Created in 2020 by Google Inc.