Dataset Commands (Deprecated)

Dataset Commands (Deprecated)

Datasets are deprecated and will be removed in CDAP 7.0.0.

The CLI includes the following dataset commands:





create dataset instance <dataset-type> <new-dataset-name> [<dataset-properties>] [<dataset-description>] [principal <principal>]

Creates a dataset instance of the specified dataset-type. Can optionally take dataset-properties, dataset-description, or principal where <dataset-properties> is in the format 'key1=val1 key2=val2' and <principal> is the Kerberos principal of the owner of the dataset.

delete dataset instance <dataset-name>

Deletes a dataset.

delete dataset module <dataset-module>

Deletes a dataset module.

deploy dataset module <new-dataset-module> <module-jar-file> <module-jar-classname>

Deploys a dataset module.

describe dataset instance <dataset-name>

Describes a dataset.

describe dataset module <dataset-module>

Describes a dataset module.

describe dataset type <dataset-type>

Describes a dataset type.

get dataset instance properties <dataset-name>

Gets the properties used to create or update a dataset.

list dataset instances

Lists all datasets.

list dataset modules

Lists all dataset modules.

list dataset types

Lists all dataset types.

set dataset instance properties <dataset-name> <dataset-properties>

Sets properties for a dataset. <dataset-properties> is in the format 'key1=val1 key2=val2'.

truncate dataset instance <dataset-name>

Truncates a dataset.

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