Pinned fields
Click on the next to a field label to start pinning.
Edwin Elia
Edwin EliaReporter
Lea Cuniberti-Duran
Lea Cuniberti-DuranLabels
Fix versions
Created January 13, 2018 at 12:09 AM
Updated June 16, 2020 at 12:25 AM
As a CDAP user, I want to be able to Edit, Duplicate, Export and Delete a pipeline. All these commands are organized under "Action" in both the pipeline list view and the pipeline details view
A user can edit a deployed or a running pipeline, by selecting "Edit" from the "Actions" popover.
Selecting "edit" creates a new version of the pipeline which is opened in Studio.
A pipeline can be edited only by one user at the time.
When a deployed pipeline is being edited the pipelines is "locked", meaning: other users cannot edit it and will see the "edit" link as grayed out.
The pipeline is "unlocked" when the new version is deployed or when the studio view of that pipeline is closed.
An edited pipeline can be saved as a draft.
Drafts of existing pipeline are saved under "Draft Pipelines"
There can only be one Draft of any pipeline. The system needs to be able to detect that there is an existing draft. If a user clicks edit again, a modal is displayed prompting the user to either delete the existing draft or open the existing pipeline in the studio.
If a pipeline is currently running, a label is displayed in the studio " You are creating a new version of an existing pipeline"
This function is the same as "clone", with the following enhancements:
A user can duplicate not only current versions but also previous versions of an existing pipeline.
If the user selects Duplicate from the list view, the latest version of the pipeline is duplicated
if the user selects Duplicate from the details view, the version displayed is the version that is duplicated.
This function is the same as the current "Export", with the following enhancements:
A user can export not only current versions but also previous versions of an existing pipeline.
If the user selects Export from the list view, the latest version of the pipeline is exported
if the user selects Export from the details view, the version displayed is the version that is exported.
Delete is a global action. It deletes the pipeline and all its versions
A confirmation modal is displayed when the user selects "Delete"
Title: "Are you sure you want to delete this pipeline?"
Body: "You are going to delete the pipeline and all its versions"
CTA: [Yes, Delete] [No, Keep the pipeline]
A user cannot delete a pipeline that is currently running