Manually Run and Stop a new version of a Pipeline


As a CDAP User, I want to be guided and supported by the system when it comes to managing the runs of a pipeline and its versions.
The system needs to detect when a new version of the pipeline is available and disable/enabled some of the functions so that only the most recently deployed version of a pipeline can be used to start a new run. All runs of the older version of the pipeline, need to be stopped before the user runs the new pipeline version.

Acceptance Criteria

  • The system automatically detects if the previous version of the pipeline is still running.

  • If a previous version of a pipeline is running:

    • A popover is displayed when the user tries to start running a new version of the pipeline while an older version of the same pipeline is still running.


    • In the "Run" popover, the user can view the list of the current runs by selecting the link "View Run"



      • The current runs rows are selectable and take the user to the Detail view of that run.

    • When the user selects "stop" a popover listing all the runs currently running.

    • Selecting stop displays all the current runs and gives the ability to the user to stop all or some of the runs



      • The current runs can be stopped individually

      • The user can view the detail of each of the current run by selecting a run row

    • The pipeline version number of is displayed, when current runs are shown

  • Stopping all runs disables the schedule and triggers for the previous version.

  • If there are no previous version of a pipeline is running, the user can manually run the pipeline without future prompts.

  • Running a new version of a pipeline disables schedules and triggers of the previous versions.

  • After the user selects "Run" the button disables while the pipeline is starting.

Release Notes





Pinned fields
Click on the next to a field label to start pinning.





Fix versions


Created January 12, 2018 at 1:50 AM
Updated June 16, 2020 at 12:26 AM