Kafka Producer Sink
Plugin version: 3.2.0
Kafka sink that allows you to write events into CSV or JSON to Kafka. Plugin has the capability to push the data to a Kafka topic. It can also be configured to partition events being written to Kafka based on a configurable key. The sink can also be configured to operate in sync or async mode and apply different compression types to events. This plugin uses Kafka 2.6 java apis.
If the Kafka instance is SSL enabled, see Reading from and writing to SSL enabled Apache Kafka for additional configuration information.
Property | Macro Enabled? | Version Introduced | Description |
Use Connection | No | 2.8.0/6.7.0 | Optional. Whether to use a connection. If a connection is used, you do not need to provide the credentials. |
Connection | Yes | 2.8.0/6.7.0 | Optional. Name of the connection to use. Project and service account information will be provided by the connection. You can also use the macro function |
Kafka Brokers | Yes |
| Required. Specifies a list of brokers to connect to. |
Reference Name | No |
| Required. This will be used to uniquely identify this sink for lineage, annotating metadata, etc. |
Kafka Topic | Yes |
| Required. Specifies a list of topics to which the event should be published to. |
Is Async ? | Yes |
| Required. Specifies whether writing the events to broker is Asynchronous or Synchronous. Default is FALSE. |
Compression type | Yes |
| Required. Compression type to be applied on message. It can be none, gzip or snappy. Default is none. |
Additional Kafka Producer Properties | Yes |
| Optional. Specifies additional Kafka producer properties like acks, client.id as key and value pair. |
Message Format | Yes |
| Required. Specifies the format, json or csv, of the event published to Kafka. Default is CSV. |
Message Key field | Yes |
| Optional. Specifies the input field that should be used as the key for the event published into Kafka. It will use String partitioner to determine Kafka event should go to which partition. Key field should be of type string. |
Kerberos Principal | Yes |
| Optional. The kerberos principal used for the source when kerberos security is enabled for Kafka. |
Keytab Location | Yes |
| Optional. The keytab location for the kerberos principal when kerberos security is enabled for Kafka. |
This example writes structured record to Kafka topic ‘alarm’ in asynchronous manner using compression type ‘gzip’. The written events will be written in csv format to Kafka running at localhost. The Kafka partition will be decided based on the provided key ‘ts’. Additional properties like number of acknowledgements and client id can also be provided.
Property | Value |
Reference Name |
Kafka Brokers |
Kafka Topic |
Is Async ? |
Compression type |
Additional Kafka Producer Properties |
Message Format |
Message Key field |
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Created in 2020 by Google Inc.