JSON functions

These are json functions that can be useful in transforming your json data.

  • json-string represents the string version of json.

  • json-element represents either the the json object or json array.

  • json-object and json-array represent different collections.

  • json-null represents a null element of json.

Example data

Upload to the workspace json an input record such as:

{ "name": { "fname": "Joltie", "lname": "Root", "mname": null }, "coordinates": [ 12.56, 45.789 ], "numbers": [ 1, 2.1, 3, null, 4, 5, 6, null ], "moves": [ { "a": 1, "b": "X", "c": 2.8}, { "a": 2, "b": "Y", "c": 232342.8}, { "a": 3, "b": "Z", "c": null}, { "a": 4, "b": "U"} ], "integer": 1, "double": 2.8, "float": 45.6, "aliases": [ "root", "joltie", "bunny", null ] }

Below is an example malformed json described as malformed_json that is missing a comma.

{ a : 1, b : 2.0, c : test d : true }


Created in 2020 by Google Inc.