Installing the CDAP Sandbox on Linux and Mac OSX

The CDAP Sandbox includes the software required for development and a version of CDAP suitable for running on a laptop.

Note: To install the CDAP Sandbox on Windows, you need to install the Virtual Machine Image or Docker Image.

System Requirements and Dependencies

The CDAP Sandbox runs on Linux and Mac OSX and has these requirements:

  • JDK 8. Required to run CDAP. Note that $JAVA_HOME should be set.

  • Node.js. Required to run the CDAP UI. We recommend any version beginning with v16. Different versions of Node.js are available.

  • Apache Maven 3.0+. Required to build CDAP applications.

Node.js Runtime

You can download an appropriate version of Node.js from We recommend any version of Node.js beginning with v16.

You can check if node.js is installed, in your path, and an appropriate version by running the command:

$ node --version

Downloading the CDAP Sandbox zip File

To install the CDAP Sandbox on a Linux or Mac OSX machine, follow these steps:

  1. Go to

  2. Click the On-Premises tab.

  3. To download a zip file of the CDAP Sandbox, click Get CDAP for Linux/Mac.

  4. When the download finishes, unzip it to a directory on your machine, for example:
    $ unzip

Starting and Stopping the CDAP Sandbox

Use the cdap sandbox script to start and stop the CDAP Sandbox (the location will vary depending on where the CDAP Sandbox is installed):

cd cdap-sandbox-6.7.1 $ ./bin/cdap sandbox start . . . $ ./bin/cdap sandbox stop

After CDAP starts successfully, you can open a browser and enter http://localhost:11011/ to launch the CDAP UI.

To configure CDAP, edit the cdap-site.xml file under your ./conf directory. CDAP must be restarted in order for changes in configuration to be picked up.

Customize JVM OPTS

On Linux, you can customize the JVM options for OutOfMemory error and whether to do a heap dump if an OutOfMemory error occurs. By default, if an OutOfMemory error occurs, the CDAP Sandbox will be killed and no heap dump will be performed. To customize these settings, edit the file under the ./conf directory. To change the behavior, change the value of KILL_ON_OOM_OPTS in To enable the heap dump, ensure HEAPDUMP_ON_OOM is set to true in CDAP must be restarted in order for changes in configuration to be picked up.

Building and Running CDAP Applications

See Building and Running CDAP Applications for information on accessing the CDAP CLI and CDAP Local Sandbox bin utilities, building examples, starting CDAP, and deploying, starting, and stopping applications.

CDAP Sandbox Metadata

All CDAP metadata is stored in the cdap/data directory. As a best practice, consider backing up the entire data directory on a regular basis.


Created in 2020 by Google Inc.