MySQL Customer Data

MySQL Customer Data

Example: Creating a Delivery Route from Customer Addresses


This tutorial demonstrates how to use CDAP's Wrangler and Data Pipelines to clean, prepare, and store customer data from a MySQL database. You will learn how to connect CDAP to a data source, how to apply basic transforms, and how write to a CDAP dataset.


Using customer address data, you want to create custom marketing materials for an ongoing promotion and distribute them into mailboxes. However, you put two constraints on your campaign:

  • It only targets customers in California, Washington, or Oregon

  • In order to save fuel and money, the campaign will only make deliveries to streets that are Avenues (not Roads or Courts), since these are more likely to be easily accessible by car


Click below to download a .zip file containing the data necessary to complete the tutorial.

Video Tutorial

Click to watch video.

Step-by-Step Walkthrough

Loading the Data

To start, you need to import the customer data. demo.sql contains the customer data. In your shell, log into MySQL (for me, this looks like mysql -u root) and create a database called demo (by running CREATE DATABASE demo;). Then exit mysql ('exit;``).

In your shell, navigate to the same directory as demo.sql, and run mysql -u root -p demo < demo.sql. The database demo should now contain a table customer with customer data.

Open CDAP and navigate to the Wrangler using the top bar. In the left sidebar (this can be accessed through the arrow in the top left corner if it not already visible), click Add Connection. Select the source "Database."

If you have the MySQL driver installed, skip this step. If not, exit the prompt and click "Hub" in the upper right hand corner. On the left menu bar, select "Drivers." Click on the MySQL JDBC driver, and then follow the on-screen wizard to install the driver.

In the "Add Connection" prompt, choose a name for the database (this is a name for your own reference). Specify host as localhostport as 3306, and correct username/password (for me, this is root with no password). Click "Test Connection" to verify the connection works, and select the database demo.

Once you have connected to the database, click on the database name you chose, which will be under the "Database" header on the left side panel. Then choose the customer table. You should see the customer data displayed in row/column form.

Next, you need to import another file, states.json. Click the gray table with white arrow in the upper left hand corner, and navigate to where states.json is stored in your system. Simply click the file once to upload.

Abbreviating the State Names

The delivery vehicle's navigation systems only recognizes address that contain abbreviated state names, such as "CA" rather than "California." However, the customer data only contains the full state names. The states.json file which we just imported contains two columns: one with the full state names and one with the abbreviated state names. We can use this as map to update the state names in our customer data.

To create our mapping, let's open the states.json tab. In the Wrangler UI, select this tab. Using the caret icon next to the Body column, select "Parse" and "JSON". Apply this directive twice.

We apply it twice because we first must parse the array, then each JSON object in the array. Change the column names body_name to name and body_abbreviation to abbreviation simply by clicking on the title and replacing the text.

Now, click Create Pipeline and select Batch. You are now in the Pipelines UI, and you will see a File plugin feeding into a Wrangler plugin. The Wrangler plugin represents the directives you just applied in Wrangler.

In the left side bar, click on "Sink" and select both the "CDAP Table Dataset" and "Avro Time Partitioned Dataset" plugins. Connect the output of the "Wrangler" stage into "CDAP Table Dataset." Click the "CDAP Table Dataset" stage, and add "name" as the "Row Field."

Name the Pipeline "StateNamePipeline." Then, deploy the pipeline by clicking "Deploy." Run the pipeline by clicking "Run".

You have created a CDAP Table Dataset that you can use to update the state names in the customer data from their full to abbreviated versions.

Updating the State Names in the Customer Data

You now can now replace the full state names with the abbreviation. Navigate back to the Wrangler, and choose the customer tab.

Since you cannot perform a lookup on a null state value, you need to make sure there are no null state values. To do so, select the caret icon on the left side of the State Column. Navigate to Filter, and then Remove Rows if value is empty, as shown below.

You can now use the :ref:`table-lookup <table-lookup>` directive to replace the full state names.

In CDAP, a directive is a command that is used in Wrangler to perform a transformation. The table-lookup directive is a directive that is used to map a value stored in a column to another, using data stored in a CDAP table. For example, you will use the StateNameTable to lookup the abbreviated state name.

The directive is in the form table-lookup <column> <table>column in this case is state, and table is StateNameTable. Apply the full directive (table-lookup state StateNameTable) in the command prompt at the bottom of the screen, as shown in the image below.

You will see a new column, state_abbreviation, appear.

Directives entered into the the command prompt at the bottom of the screen are applied in the same way as directives applied through each columns' drop-down menu. In fact, when you select a filter, for example, from a drop down menu, the Wrangler automatically generates and applies the equivalent directive. You can see this by selecting Directives in the right-hand sidebar. Clicking "x" next to a directive removes the corresponding transformation.

Since you no longer need the full state name, you can delete this column. Select the caret to the left of state, and choose the Delete Column option. Further, you can rename state_abbreviation. Double-click the column name, and the text will become editable. Replace it with "State."

Choosing the Correct States

You only want your campaign to target consumers along the Pacific Coast: California, Oregon, or Washington. Therefore, you need to remove all rows which contain values other than CAOR, or WA in state.

To do so, navigate to the caret icon to the left of the state name. Select this caret, and choose filter. Choose Keep Rows, and use the drop-down menu to select if Value Matches Regex.

You need your regex to match against CAOR, or WA. The regex ^(CA|OR|WA)$ accomplishes this, as shown below.

Apply the filter and only the states matching your desired condition will remain.

Choosing the Correct Street Type

Because you believe it will be more fuel and cost efficient to only deliver to addresses that are on avenues (since these routes are more centrally-located) you only want to keep addresses that contain the word "Avenue".

This task is not as simple as it may seem at first. For states, you could simply filter our the state name, since there was no additional text in the column. However, an example street address looks like:

61 Summit Avenue

This means you cannot simply filter that requires the column to be equal to the word "Avenue."

To work around this, we will use the the Contains features. Select the caret in the address column, and choose Filter and Keep Value if Contains. Enter Avenue. Also, choose ignore case. Apply the filter. Simple!

You will see that only one customer remains. At first, you may be alarmed. However, the Wrangler only shows the first 100 values from your dataset. This is because the Wrangler is a playground that allows you to see the effects of transformations on a small subset of your data before dispatching large, parallel-processing jobs on the entire dataset.

Final Steps: Cleaning the Data

This last stage is required to ensure the data is cleaned and prepared before we write it to a dataset, which can be accessed by the navigation system.

Your navigation system does not need country name, so there is no use for the country column. Select the caret next to country and choose Delete Column. You should see the column containing the value USA disappear.

The data is now prepared and ready to be written to a dataset.

Writing to a Dataset

The last stage is to write the clean data to a dataset. Whereas Wrangler only selects a small subset of your data (100 records) for transformations, Data Pipelines runs a Spark or MapReduce job that parallelizes these same transformations on a cluster of machines. This enables you to apply to complex transforms over vast quantities of data very quickly.

Click Create Pipeline, and select a Batch Pipeline. You want Batch since your MySQL database is not a real-time source of data.

In the Data Pipelines UI, you will see a Database (with the annotation customer) stage connected into a Wrangler stage. The Wrangler state contains all the transformations you applied in the Wrangler.

Navigate to the "Sink" section of the left-side bar, and choose a Avro Time Partitioned Dataset sink. Connect the output of Wrangler into this sink. Double-click on the Avro Time Partitioned Dataset sink, and give it the name CampaignSink. Similarly, name your pipeline CampaignPipeline.

You should now be able to deploy the pipeline. Click Deploy in the upper right hand corner. When it is deployed, click Run.

Once the Pipeline has run, double click on your Avro Time Partitioned Dataset sink. In the menu that pops up, you will see a button that says View Details. Once you have chosen this view, select the "Eye" icon. Execute the SQL query that is pre-populated in the field. You will see a SQL Query result appear below. Click the "Eye" next to this query, and you will see the results of the Pipeline.

The prepared data is now stored CampaignSink dataset, and can be accessed directly through a RESTful interface or the CDAP UI.

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Created in 2020 by Google Inc.