- Unused setting is added to cdap-site.xmlCOOPR-682Resolved issue: COOPR-682Derek Wood
- CDAP uses its own transaction snapshot codecCDAP-2496Resolved issue: CDAP-2496Gary Helmling
- Upgrade tool should execute operations in small batches to avoid transaction timeoutsCDAP-2478Resolved issue: CDAP-2478Rohit Sinha
- Provide visibility when CDAP services start flappingCDAP-2452Resolved issue: CDAP-2452Terence Yim
- Change instances logic for Flow is not risk freeCDAP-1951Resolved issue: CDAP-1951Terence Yim
- Workers should have ability to batch operations run in Worker ContextCDAP-1847Resolved issue: CDAP-1847Sreevatsan Raman
- Worker context should fetch Datasets outside transactionCDAP-1821Resolved issue: CDAP-1821Sreevatsan Raman
- tx-debugger throws NPE when --port is not set on command lineCDAP-1694Resolved issue: CDAP-1694Sreevatsan Raman
- Sanity checking tool for CDAPCDAP-1632Bhooshan Mogal
- Router calls hang while writing LOG.error messagesCDAP-1623Resolved issue: CDAP-1623Poorna Chandra
- Separate code and configurationCDAP-1558Resolved issue: CDAP-1558Sreevatsan Raman
- Runtime settings should not get over written on app re-deployCDAP-1557Resolved issue: CDAP-1557Poorna Chandra
- Emit metrics for run duration of process methods of FlowletsCDAP-1549Resolved issue: CDAP-1549Terence Yim
- additional JAVA_OPTS in standalone cdap.shCDAP-1546Derek Wood
- Use Dockerfile ENTRYPOINT to support argumentsCDAP-1545Resolved issue: CDAP-1545Chris Gianelloni
- KafkaConsumerFlowlet 0.7 does not handle OffsetOutOfRangeException correctlyCDAP-1442Resolved issue: CDAP-1442Poorna Chandra
- Decouple Logging system from DatasetsCDAP-1396Resolved issue: CDAP-1396Vinisha Shah
- Log rotation of CDAP programs running in YARNCDAP-1395Resolved issue: CDAP-1395Parth Gandhi
- Allow Dataset upgradeCDAP-1254Resolved issue: CDAP-1254Andreas Neumann
- After an Explore query is run, UI says "No Results Found" even when they are resultsCDAP-1224Resolved issue: CDAP-1224Edwin Elia
- Service worker instance change needs barrier supportCDAP-1222Resolved issue: CDAP-1222Terence Yim
- Table.compareAndSwap method has inconsistent throws Exception clauseCDAP-1220Resolved issue: CDAP-1220Gary Helmling
- Supoort filter in Table.scanCDAP-1219Resolved issue: CDAP-1219NitinM
- Getting a Dataset twice from DynamicDatasetContext clears the first set of changesCDAP-1212Resolved issue: CDAP-1212Parth Gandhi
- Have an API to reset metrics processor Kafka offsets when Kafka state is resetCDAP-1103Resolved issue: CDAP-1103Alex Baranau
- Have an API to reset log saver Kafka offsets when Kafka state is resetCDAP-1102Resolved issue: CDAP-1102Poorna Chandra
- Need a way to change logback configuration for CDAP programs running in YARNCDAP-1100Resolved issue: CDAP-1100Parth Gandhi
- Explore queries in distributed mode cannot find guava-13 classesCDAP-1024Resolved issue: CDAP-1024Albert Shau
- Table to support filtersCDAP-372Resolved issue: CDAP-372Gary Helmling
- Table does not allow setting of scanner caching or batching per requestCDAP-19Resolved issue: CDAP-19Gary Helmling
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