- Allow specifying slashes in the value of a path param (if possible)NETTY-15
- NPE raised when a client connect and disconnect without sending any http requestNETTY-14Resolved issue: NETTY-14Terence Yim
- Upgrade to netty 4.xNETTY-13Resolved issue: NETTY-13Terence Yim
- HTTP Responder setting the state as responded too earlyNETTY-12Resolved issue: NETTY-12Terence Yim
- Supports sending response body asynchronouslyNETTY-11Resolved issue: NETTY-11Terence Yim
- Thread pool used by ExecutionHandler is not shutdown when the NettyHttpService terminatedNETTY-10Resolved issue: NETTY-10Terence Yim
- BodyConsumer don't get notified when connection is closed while streamingNETTY-9Resolved issue: NETTY-9Terence Yim
- Update release tags for netty-httpNETTY-8Resolved issue: NETTY-8Sreevatsan Raman
- handler methods that return a BodyConsumer don't have exceptions handledNETTY-7Resolved issue: NETTY-7Albert Shau
- Make netty-http into an OSGi bundleNETTY-6
- Support HttpResponder.sendJson for IterableNETTY-5Resolved issue: NETTY-5Alvin Wang
- Exception handlerNETTY-4Resolved issue: NETTY-4Alvin Wang
- Destination with smaller number of group match should be selected by the router for routing a request.NETTY-3Resolved issue: NETTY-3Poorna Chandra
- No path found logs an errorNETTY-2
- HttpResourceModel.handle does not propagate throwable cause, masks it with a new HandlerException.NETTY-1Resolved issue: NETTY-1Bhooshan Mogal
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