

An Artifact is a JAR file that contains Java classes and resources required to create and run an ApplicationArtifacts are identified by a nameversion, and scope.

The artifact name must consist only of alphanumeric, '-' (hyphen), and '_' (underscore) characters. For example, 'my-application' is a valid artifact name, but 'my:application' is not.

The artifact version is of the format '[major].[minor].[fix](-\|.)[suffix]'. Minor, fix, and suffix portions of the version are optional, though it is suggested that you have them conform to standard versioning schemes. The major, minor, and fix portions of the version must be numeric. The suffix can be any of the acceptable characters. For example, '3.2.0-SNAPSHOT' is a valid artifact version, with a major version of 3, minor version of 2, fix version of 0, and suffix of SNAPSHOT.

The artifact scope is either 'user' or 'system'. An artifact in the 'user' scope is added by users through the CLI or Microservices. A 'user' artifact belongs in a namespace and cannot be accessed in another namespace. A 'system' artifact is an artifact that is available across all namespaces. It is added by placing the artifact in a special directory on either the CDAP Master node(s) or the CDAP Sandbox.

Once added to CDAP, an Artifact cannot be modified unless it is a snapshot artifact. An Artifact is a snapshot artifact if the version suffix begins with SNAPSHOT. For example, '1.2.3.SNAPSHOT-test' is a snapshot version because it has a suffix of 'SNAPSHOT-test', which begins with SNAPSHOT'1.2.3' is not a snapshot version because there is no suffix. '1.2.3-hadoop2' is also not a snapshot version because the suffix does not begin with SNAPSHOT.

Artifacts are managed using the Artifact Microservices.

Deploying an Artifact

An artifact is deployed through the Microservices. If it contains an Application class, the artifact can then be used to create applications. Once an artifact is deployed, it cannot be changed, with the exception of snapshot versions of artifacts. Snapshot artifacts can be deployed multiple times, with each deployment overwriting the previous artifact. If a program is using a snapshot artifact, changes made to the artifact are picked up when the program is started. Once a program has started, it is unaffected by changes made to the artifact.

Plugin Artifacts

Sometimes an application class exposes an interface that it expects other artifacts to implement. For example, CDAP ships with a cdap-data-pipeline artifact that can be used to create data pipeline applications. The artifact exposes a batchsource interface that it expects others to implement. The core-plugins artifact contains several plugins that implement that interface. There is one source for databases, another for HDFS files, etc. To make plugins in one artifact available to another artifact, the plugin artifact must specify its parent artifacts. All of those parent artifacts will then be able to use those plugins.

Deleting an Artifact

Though artifacts cannot be modified once deployed, they can be deleted. Artifact deletion is an advanced feature and is only meant to be used if there was some error deploying the artifact. When an artifact is deleted, any application that is configured to use the artifact will be unable to start their programs. If a program is already running, it will be unaffected. If that running program is stopped, it will not be able to start again until the artifact is replaced, or the application is updated to use another artifact.

User and System Artifacts

Normally, an artifact is added to a specific namespace. Users in one namespace cannot see or use artifacts in another namespace. These are referred to as user artifacts.

Sometimes there is a need to provide an artifact that can be used across namespaces. One example of this are the pipeline artifacts shipped with CDAP. In such scenarios, a system artifact can be used.

System artifacts cannot be added through the Microservices, but must be added by placing the artifact in a special directory. For Distributed CDAP, this directory is defined by the app.artifact.dir setting in cdap-site.xml. Multiple directories can be defined by separating them with a semicolon. It defaults to /opt/cdap/master/artifacts. For the CDAP Sandbox, the directory is set to the artifacts directory.

Any artifact in the directory will be added to CDAP when it starts up. In addition, a Microservices call can be made to scan the directory for any new artifacts that may have been added since CDAP started.

If a system artifact contains plugins that extend another system artifact, a matching JSON config file must be provided to specify which artifacts it extends. In addition, if a system artifact is a third-party JAR, the plugins in the artifact can be explicitly listed in that same config file.

For example, suppose you want to add mysql-connector-java-5.1.3.jar as a system artifact. The artifact is the MySQL JDBC driver, and is a third-party JAR that we want to use as a JDBC plugin for the cdap-data-pipeline artifact. You would place the JAR file in the artifacts directory along with a matching config file named mysql-connector-java-5.1.3.json. The config file would contain:

{ "parents": [ "cdap-data-pipeline[3.2.0,4.0.0)" ], "plugins": [ { "name": "mysql", "type": "jdbc", "description": "MYSQL JDBC external plugin", "className": "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" } ] }

This config file specifies that the artifact can be used by versions 3.2.0 (inclusive) to 4.0.0 (exclusive) of the cdap-data-pipeline artifact. It also specifies that there is one plugin of type jdbc and name mysql with class com.mysql.jdbc.Driver. Once added, this system artifact would be usable by applications in all namespaces.

Example Use Case: Configurable Applications

We will now walk through an example use case in order to illustrate how artifacts are used. In this example, we decide to implement an application class that reads from a stream and writes to a table using a flow. The stream that it reads from, and the table that it writes to, will be configurable. Our development team writes code such as:

public class MyApp extends AbstractApplication<MyApp.MyConfig> { public static class MyConfig extends Config { private String stream; private String table; private MyConfig() { this.stream = "A"; this.table = "X"; } } public void configure() { MyConfig config = getContext().getConfig(); addStream(new Stream(config.stream)); createDataset(config.table, Table.class); addFlow(new MyFlow(config.stream, config.table, config.flowConfig)); } } public class MyFlow implements AbstractFlow { private String stream; private String table; MyFlow(String stream, String table) { this.stream = stream; this.table = table; } @Override public void configure() { setName("MyFlow"); setDescription("Reads from a stream and writes to a table"); addFlowlet("reader", new Reader(table)); connectStream(stream, "reader"); } } public class Reader extends AbstractFlowlet { @Property private String tableName; private Table table; Reader(String tableName) { this.tableName = tableName; } @Override public void initialize(FlowletContext context) throws Exception { table = context.getDataset(tableName); } @ProcessInput public void process(StreamEvent event) { Put put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes(event.getHeaders().get(config.rowkey))); put.add("timestamp", event.getTimestamp()); put.add("body", Bytes.toBytes(event.getBody())); table.put(put); } }

Our build system creates a JAR named myapp-1.0.0.jar that contains the MyApp class. The JAR is deployed via the Microservices:

curl localhost:11015/v3/namespaces/default/artifacts/myapp --data-binary @myapp-1.0.0.jar

CDAP determines the version is 1.0.0 by examining the manifest file contained in the JAR. Information about the artifact and the application class in the artifact are now visible through JAR API calls:

curl localhost:11015/v3/namespaces/default/artifacts?scope=user [ { "name": "myapp", "scope":"USER", "version": "1.0.0" } ] curl localhost:11015/v3/namespaces/default/artifacts/myapp/versions/1.0.0 { "classes": { "apps": [ { "className": "com.company.example.MyApp", "configSchema": { "fields": [ { "name": "stream", "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, { "name": "table", "type": [ "string", "null" ] } ], "name": "com.company.example.MyApp$MyConfig", "type": "record" }, "description": "" } ], "plugins": [] }, "name": "myapp", "scope": "USER", "version": "1.0.0" }

With this information, a separate deployment team is able to see that the artifact contains an application class, and it contains a config that takes in a value for stream and table. From this information, we decide to create an application named purchaseDump that reads from the purchases stream and writes to the events table:

curl -X PUT localhost:11015/v3/namespaces/default/apps/purchaseDump -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d ' { "artifact": { "name": "myapp", "version": "1.0.0", "scope": "user" }, "config": { "stream": "purchases", "table": "events" } }'

We can then manage the lifecycle of the flow using the Application Lifecycle Microservices. After it has been running for a while, a bug is found in the code. The development team provides a fix, and myapp-1.0.1.jar is released. The artifact is deployed:

curl localhost:11015/v3/namespaces/default/artifacts/myapp --data-binary @myapp-1.0.1.jar

A call can be made to find all applications that use the old artifact:

curl localhost:11015/v3/namespaces/default/apps?artifactName=myapp&artifactVersion=1.0.0 [ { "name": "purchaseDump", "artifact": { "name": "myapp", "version": "1.0.0", "scope": "user" }, ... } ]

The flow for the purchaseDump application is stopped, then the application is updated:

curl localhost:11015/v3/namespaces/default/apps/purchaseDump/update -d ' { "artifact": { "name": "myapp", "version": "1.0.1", "scope": "user" }, "config": { "stream": "purchases", "table": "events" } }'

The flow is started again, which picks up the new code. We quickly realize version 1.0.1 has a serious bug and decide to roll back to the previous version. The flow is stopped and another update call is made:

curl localhost:11015/v3/namespaces/default/apps/purchaseDump/update -d ' { "artifact": { "name": "myapp", "version": "1.0.0", "scope": "user" }, "config": { "stream": "purchases", "table": "events" } }'

Once the development team has resolved that serious bug, we can try re-deploying again...

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Created in 2020 by Google Inc.