- S3 connector fails to test and browseCDAP-20818Resolved issue: CDAP-20818
- Add validation of SQL expression and conversion of SQL dialect in WranglerCDAP-20583Sagar Ahire
- Error creating Wrangler workspaceCDAP-19193Resolved issue: CDAP-19193Sebastian Echegaray
- Add some way to specify there is a header for upload connectionCDAP-19061Nick Briggs
- Set `trustServerCertificate` to true by default for Wrangler and ReplicatorCDAP-18921Sean Zhou
- Improve BigQuery connector error messageCDAP-18353Resolved issue: CDAP-18353Bhooshan Mogal
- Set-type to string on datetime is a no-opCDAP-17736Resolved issue: CDAP-17736Greeshma Swaminathan
- Make Wrangler column match case sensitiveCDAP-17686Trishka Fernandes
- Wrangler completion percentage is wrongCDAP-17591Resolved issue: CDAP-17591Nick Briggs
- Add integration test for pipeline config, scheduling, and propertiesCDAP-17343Resolved issue: CDAP-17343Nick Briggs
- Wrangler throws a cryptic error message when a directive is not foundCDAP-17233Resolved issue: CDAP-17233Mo Eseifan
- Wrangler set type doesn't work for all typesCDAP-17164Bhooshan Mogal
- Studio - Wrangler plugin- user manually inputs directive, selects "Validate" but schema doesn't get updatedCDAP-17039Bhooshan Mogal
- Wrangler - GCS plugin add an empty row to dataCDAP-17029Resolved issue: CDAP-17029Albert Shau
- Wrangler UI: Need to add colon before columns in directivesCDAP-16992Resolved issue: CDAP-16992Amit Virmani
- Wrangler: Change data type String to Double adds step but UI says StringCDAP-16991Amit Virmani
- Wrangler: Keep directive applied through UI only keeps one columnCDAP-16986Amit Virmani
- Wrangler: Keeping a column is missing a colon before the column nameCDAP-16978Resolved issue: CDAP-16978Amit Virmani
- Wrangler: Keep directive doesn't include colon before column nameCDAP-16977Resolved issue: CDAP-16977Amit Virmani
- Wrangler: Deleting columns adds drop directive, but it's missing the colon before the column nameCDAP-16973Resolved issue: CDAP-16973Nick Briggs
- Wrangler: find-and-replace directive doesn't include colon before column nameCDAP-16971Resolved issue: CDAP-16971Amit Virmani
- Wrangler: Cannot convert decimal inferred as String to Double or FloatCDAP-16964Resolved issue: CDAP-16964Bhooshan Mogal
- Wrangler: Create a Pipeline should just open Studio with source /wrangler trxCDAP-16958Resolved issue: CDAP-16958Bhooshan Mogal
- Wrangler: Issue with multiple datasets and wrangling from pipelineCDAP-16957Amit Virmani
- Wrangler: Need to be able to import recipes for collaborationCDAP-16956Amit Virmani
- Wrangler: Add "About" to Wrangler so user can see version and release date of appCDAP-16944Resolved issue: CDAP-16944Bhooshan Mogal
- Wrangler fails on ByteBuffersCDAP-16942Mikkin Patel
- Wrangler: set-type directive should support decimal typeCDAP-16933Resolved issue: CDAP-16933Bhooshan Mogal
- Wrangler: Column menu should allow me to change data type to DecimalCDAP-16932Resolved issue: CDAP-16932Bhooshan Mogal
- Wrangler: parse-as-csv usage text should spell out columnCDAP-16917Bhooshan Mogal
- Wrangler: DROP multiple columns fails with extra space between columnsCDAP-16916Chai Pydimukkala
- Wrangler: Cannot edit a step in a recipeCDAP-16915Chai Pydimukkala
- Wrangler: parse-as-date doesn't return error when incorrect column nameCDAP-16914Bhooshan Mogal
- Wrangler: cleanse-column-names directive requires a trailing spaceCDAP-16913Bhooshan Mogal
- Syntax Error in Wrangler when table name starts with number for PostgreSQLCDAP-16857Nick Briggs
- Wrangler should create pipeline with Database-specific pluginsCDAP-16854Resolved issue: CDAP-16854Yaojie Feng
- Wrangler generates the wrong pipeline for excel filesCDAP-16802Chai Pydimukkala
- Wrangler does not convert string to integer when there are >30% null valuesCDAP-16780Mikkin Patel
- React error screen when switching wrangler connectionsCDAP-16765Resolved issue: CDAP-16765Edwin Elia
- Wrangler Row API encourages bad memory usageCDAP-16759Resolved issue: CDAP-16759Trishka Fernandes
- Invalid connection string while connecting to Oracle DBCDAP-16729Chai Pydimukkala
- Cannot wrangle non-tiny GCS objectCDAP-16724Resolved issue: CDAP-16724Albert Shau
- No error displayed with invalid set-column expression.CDAP-16609Resolved issue: CDAP-16609Yaojie Feng
- Wrangler UI freezes when listing large number of tables from databaseCDAP-16595Bhooshan Mogal
- Wrangler parsing with semicolon delimiterCDAP-16569Trishka Fernandes
- Wrangler Mysql basic connection fails for mysql8CDAP-16556Resolved issue: CDAP-16556Nick Briggs
- Currency Format in WranglerCDAP-16514Bhooshan Mogal
- Connections - a database name persists regardless the status of the connection or the driver.CDAP-16511Ajai Narayanan
- parse as csv with header ignores header in some situationsCDAP-16488Resolved issue: CDAP-16488Venudhar Ravishankar
- Wrangler filter empty is incorrectCDAP-16487Resolved issue: CDAP-16487Venudhar Ravishankar
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