Wrangler does not convert string to integer when there are >30% null values
Wrangler does not convert String to Integer when 30% (or more) of the column's data is null.
Steps to reproduce:
1) Upload the attached .csv file using Wrangler. Notice that all the fields are of type String
2) Go to Column transformations at the column NumericValue60 (which is made up of 40% null values), change the data type to Integer
3) The console won't display any error but the column will be shown as String
The backend response has a "success" message but does not change the type of the column NumericValue60 to Integer. Compare to following steps 2-3 for NumericValue70, which successfully changes the type to Integer.
Another issue is also found when trying to convert the String column to Float, then back to String. The zeros as decimal places will still be shown. In addition, following these steps and trying to convert to Integer, an error message will pop up. The steps to reproduce are below: 1) Select column transformation at column NumericValues100 2) Convert to Float. So, the decimal zeros are shown 3) Convert to String. The decimal zeros are still shown, even thought the data type is changed. 4) Convert to Integer. An error will get returned from the backend.
Release Notes
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Wrangler does not convert String to Integer when 30% (or more) of the column's data is null.
Steps to reproduce:
1) Upload the attached .csv file using Wrangler. Notice that all the fields are of type String
2) Go to Column transformations at the column NumericValue60 (which is made up of 40% null values), change the data type to Integer
3) The console won't display any error but the column will be shown as String
The backend response has a "success" message but does not change the type of the column NumericValue60 to Integer. Compare to following steps 2-3 for NumericValue70, which successfully changes the type to Integer.
Another issue is also found when trying to convert the String column to Float, then back to String. The zeros as decimal places will still be shown. In addition, following these steps and trying to convert to Integer, an error message will pop up. The steps to reproduce are below: 1) Select column transformation at column NumericValues100 2) Convert to Float. So, the decimal zeros are shown 3) Convert to String. The decimal zeros are still shown, even thought the data type is changed. 4) Convert to Integer. An error will get returned from the backend.