- Non class file resources in Hadoop is not loadable through Program ClassLoaderCDAP-4127Resolved issue: CDAP-4127Terence Yim
- Socket connection to TX service is not closing properlyCDAP-4067Resolved issue: CDAP-4067Ali Anwar
- @PathParam does not work with a list of Serializable objectsCDAP-3108Resolved issue: CDAP-3108Terence Yim
- Add the ability in TableSink to find schema.row.field case-insensitivelyCDAP-3077Resolved issue: CDAP-3077Bhooshan Mogal
- Update workflow guides for workflow tokenCDAP-3018Resolved issue: CDAP-3018Sagar Kapare
- Improve contract of common-cli Argument.get() methodsCDAP-3017Resolved issue: CDAP-3017Alvin Wang
- DistributedWorkflowProgramRunner should not localize spark-assembly.jar if the workflow does not contain a spark programCDAP-3012Resolved issue: CDAP-3012Bhooshan Mogal
- IncrementSummingScannerTest fails intermittentlyCDAP-3011Resolved issue: CDAP-3011Gary Helmling
- Tick initialDelay does not work properlyCDAP-3002Resolved issue: CDAP-3002Alvin Wang
- Workflow Token merging fails at fork nodesCDAP-3000Resolved issue: CDAP-3000Sagar Kapare
- RemoteAdapterManager needs implementationCDAP-2995Resolved issue: CDAP-2995Ali Anwar
- Users may not have access to the right node name in WorkflowAction#initializeCDAP-2990Resolved issue: CDAP-2990Sagar Kapare
- Add an API to retrieve the list of nodes for a workflowCDAP-2985Resolved issue: CDAP-2985Bhooshan Mogal
- Refactor WorkflowHttpHandlerTestCDAP-2984Resolved issue: CDAP-2984Bhooshan Mogal
- Refactor Scheduler APIsCDAP-2974Resolved issue: CDAP-2974Bhooshan Mogal
- Dataset Registration should register datasets for applications upon deployCDAP-2971Resolved issue: CDAP-2971Ali Anwar
- PurchaseHistoryWorkflow details page shows incorrect statusCDAP-2969Resolved issue: CDAP-2969Henry Saputra
- When deploying an application fails, user has no clue that or why it happenedCDAP-2966Resolved issue: CDAP-2966Sagar Kapare
- WorkflowAction should use Configurer style APICDAP-2956Resolved issue: CDAP-2956Andreas Neumann
- MapReduce job using FileSet/PartitionedFileSet as input fails if there are no input partitions.CDAP-2945Resolved issue: CDAP-2945Ali Anwar
- Namespace dropdown fails on standalone restartCDAP-2942Resolved issue: CDAP-2942Edwin Elia
- Detect HDP version and submit with MapReduce jobsCDAP-2933Resolved issue: CDAP-2933Terence Yim
- AdapterClient getRuns method constructed malformed URLCDAP-2932Resolved issue: CDAP-2932Rohan Nahata
- Document how to create dataset with properties betterCDAP-2925Resolved issue: CDAP-2925Alvin Wang
- Remove backward-compatibility for pre-2.8 TPFSCDAP-2921Resolved issue: CDAP-2921Andreas Neumann
- HBaseQueueDebugger doesn't sort queue barriers correctlyCDAP-2912Resolved issue: CDAP-2912Terence Yim
- Incompatible versions of libthrift when running on EMRCDAP-2911Resolved issue: CDAP-2911NitinM
- Improve documentation around upgrading CDAPCDAP-2910Resolved issue: CDAP-2910John Jackson
- AbstractSchedulerService#deleteAllSchedules deletes all schedules using both TimeScheduler and StreamSizeScheduler, without checking the typeCDAP-2905Resolved issue: CDAP-2905Bhooshan Mogal
- Mapreduce local dirs don't get cleaned upCDAP-2899Resolved issue: CDAP-2899Terence Yim
- Workflow schedule should not be triggered or enabled before it's startedCDAP-2892Resolved issue: CDAP-2892Rohit Sinha
- ETL templates not included in parcelCDAP-2890Resolved issue: CDAP-2890Derek Wood
- Integration test framework should make it easier to read from datasetsCDAP-2889Resolved issue: CDAP-2889Ali Anwar
- FileSet is treating a path starting with slash as a relative pathCDAP-2883Resolved issue: CDAP-2883Andreas Neumann
- Semantics of dataset TTL are confusingCDAP-2878Resolved issue: CDAP-2878Shankar Selvam
- Add to Cloudera Manager CSD support for logbackCDAP-2872Resolved issue: CDAP-2872Derek Wood
- Cloudera Manager Hbase Gateway dependencyCDAP-2871Resolved issue: CDAP-2871Derek Wood
- Should Table.get() return null? Or be annotated with @Nonnull?CDAP-2864Resolved issue: CDAP-2864Andreas Neumann
- Appropriate fields should have focus by default when forms load in the UICDAP-2863Resolved issue: CDAP-2863Ajai Narayanan
- Example build in VM fails with Maven dependency errorCDAP-2855Resolved issue: CDAP-2855Chris Gianelloni
- Instructions for using Docker are inaccurateCDAP-2854Resolved issue: CDAP-2854John Jackson
- Flow metrics lag significantlyCDAP-2833Resolved issue: CDAP-2833Edwin Elia
- Suspending a schedule takes a long time and the UI does not indicate anythingCDAP-2832Resolved issue: CDAP-2832Edwin Elia
- When master fails over, schedules are not triggered for 30 secondsCDAP-2831Resolved issue: CDAP-2831Sagar Kapare
- cdap-ui dies when master is killedCDAP-2830Resolved issue: CDAP-2830Edwin Elia
- MapReduce that fails in commit step shows as COMPLETEDCDAP-2829Resolved issue: CDAP-2829Sagar Kapare
- After stopping a flow, its status is KILLEDCDAP-2828Resolved issue: CDAP-2828NitinM
- Profile UI does not work in secure clusterCDAP-2827Resolved issue: CDAP-2827NitinM
- CDAP UI shows deleted datasets in an ApplicationCDAP-2820Resolved issue: CDAP-2820Sreevatsan Raman
- Add way to configure Resources for Realtime/Batch Adapters on UICDAP-2814Resolved issue: CDAP-2814Ajai Narayanan
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