- Time datatype is not supported in Salesforce Sink pluginPLUGIN-1631
- MySQL type TINYINT(1) gets detected as CDAP bool type in MySQL Source pluginPLUGIN-1615Rahul Sharma
- SMALLINT UNSIGNED with value 65535 result into failure in MySQL SinkPLUGIN-1614Rahul Sharma
- Geography type is not supported in BigQuery Source pluginPLUGIN-1612
- MySQL: Pipeline is failing when the pipeline is configured with Mysql as source and BigQuery as sinkPLUGIN-1611
- MySQL YEAR Type with value 0 converts into 2000-01-01 in CDAPPLUGIN-1606Rahul Sharma
- TimestamlpLTZ shows wrong value in the preview in Oracle Source pluginPLUGIN-1595Rahul Sharma
- CDAP DatetimeOffset datatype incorrectly converting the information resulting in timezone information lossPLUGIN-1587Rahul Sharma
- CDAP map datatype is not supported in BigQuery Sink pluginPLUGIN-1586
- CDAP union datatype is not supported in BigQuery Sink pluginPLUGIN-1585
- CDAP enum datatype is not supported in BigQuery Sink pluginPLUGIN-1584
- CDAP DatetimeOffset is not supported in mssql sink pluginPLUGIN-1570
- CDAP Datetime2 is not supported in mssql sink pluginPLUGIN-1569
- CDAP Datetime is not supported in mssql sink pluginPLUGIN-1568
- Json datatype is not supported in BigQuery Sink PluginPLUGIN-1564Pushpender Saini
- Json datatype is not supported in BigQuery Source PluginPLUGIN-1563Pushpender Saini
- CDAP Datetime is not supported in any of the database sink pluginsPLUGIN-1549Rahul Sharma
- Geography datatype is not supported in BigQuery Sink PluginPLUGIN-1548
- Geography datatype is not supported in BigQuery Source PluginPLUGIN-1546
- Oracle TimestampTZ type fails in the Oracle sink pluginPLUGIN-1540Rahul Sharma
- TIMESTAMP type transferring different value of time to PostgreSQL sink pluginPLUGIN-1526Rahul Sharma
- Precision less decimal/numeric does not work in the PostgreSQL source pluginPLUGIN-1522Rahul Sharma
- DATE type transferring different value of time to Oracle sink pluginPLUGIN-1518Rahul Sharma
- TIMESTAMP type transferring different value of time to Oracle sink pluginPLUGIN-1517Rahul Sharma
- Pipeline execution fails in case of Override schema for any of the database pluginsPLUGIN-1512Rahul Sharma
- YEAR datatype gets detected as DATE in MySQL source pluginPLUGIN-1509Rahul Sharma
- Oracle Float type detects as a decimal in the Wrangler UI using Database connectorPLUGIN-1508Rahul Sharma
- MySQL MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED type gets detected as long in MySQL source pluginPLUGIN-1507Rahul Sharma
- MySQL BIGINT UNSIGNED type gets detected as decimal in MySQL source pluginPLUGIN-1506Aryan Verma
- Long type gets incompatible with MySQL INT UNSIGNED in MySQL sink pluginPLUGIN-1505Aryan Verma
- Oracle Sink plugin throws error "ORA-28009: connection as SYS should be as SYSDBA or SYSOPER"PLUGIN-1503Rahul Sharma
- TimeStamp_With_Local_TimeZone type with null value throws exception in Oracle plugin in pipeline executionPLUGIN-1494Rahul Sharma
- Oracle type Timestamp_With_Time_Zone type throws an Unsupported type Exception in Multi Table Source pluginPLUGIN-1490Rahul Sharma
- Oracle type Timestamp_With_Local_Time_Zone type throws an Unsupported type Exception in Multi Table Source pluginPLUGIN-1489Rahul Sharma
- Oracle type RowId is not supported in the Multi Table source pluginPLUGIN-1488Rahul Sharma
- Oracle type Interval_YM is not supported in Multi Table Source PluginPLUGIN-1487Rahul Sharma
- Interval_DS is not supported in the Multi Table source PluginPLUGIN-1486Rahul Sharma
- Oracle FLOAT type gets detected as decimal with Scale = -127 in Multi Table source pluginPLUGIN-1485Rahul Sharma
- Precision less Number type field throw UnsupportedException in the Multi Table pluginPLUGIN-1484Rahul Sharma
- Oracle FLOAT type gets detected as decimal with Scale = -127 in Database source pluginPLUGIN-1483
- Oracle Sink plugin fails to insert String fields into Number ColumnPLUGIN-1481Rahul Sharma
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