- Macro can't be used by BQ source plugin as dataset or table name parameters.CDAP-15404Resolved issue: CDAP-15404Albert Shau
- UDDs fail to executeCDAP-15397Resolved issue: CDAP-15397Albert Shau
- Cannot create streaming pipelines without setting checkpoint directoryCDAP-15393Resolved issue: CDAP-15393Albert Shau
- Pub/Sub subscriber plugin fails with NPE when not arguments are passed on events.CDAP-15386Resolved issue: CDAP-15386Trishka Fernandes
- Dataproc network auto-detect should use project infoCDAP-15384Resolved issue: CDAP-15384Albert Shau
- An older version of LZ4 library was included in CDAP master, making it incompatible with later version of Spark2CDAP-15375Resolved issue: CDAP-15375Terence Yim
- BigQuery plugins temporary bucket location enhancementsCDAP-15372Resolved issue: CDAP-15372Albert Shau
- Dataproc runtime fails if project has os login enabledCDAP-15369Resolved issue: CDAP-15369Ali Anwar
- Parsing logic for name and version in artifact jars has issues in UICDAP-15363Resolved issue: CDAP-15363Ajai Narayanan
- UI is cutting off top part of pipeline stage nameCDAP-15359Resolved issue: CDAP-15359Ajai Narayanan
- Installed drivers list endpoint is wrongCDAP-15352Resolved issue: CDAP-15352Albert Shau
- Not able to create remote hadoop provisioner profile.CDAP-15346Resolved issue: CDAP-15346Ajai Narayanan
- Add decimal logical type support in UICDAP-15339Resolved issue: CDAP-15339Ajai Narayanan
- TextList argument type in wrangler does not workCDAP-15338Resolved issue: CDAP-15338NitinM
- Last modified timestamp in Dataprep seems wrongCDAP-15337Resolved issue: CDAP-15337Ajai Narayanan
- Profile with bad macro stuck in provisioning stateCDAP-15335Resolved issue: CDAP-15335Albert Shau
- The RuntimeMonitor is not reopening SSH session correctly.CDAP-15332Resolved issue: CDAP-15332Terence Yim
- Allow specifying dataproc cluster properties in dataproc provisionerCDAP-15318Resolved issue: CDAP-15318Bhooshan Mogal
- Pipeline Details - Reduce the size of the trigger tabsCDAP-15316Resolved issue: CDAP-15316Ajai Narayanan
- Allow synchronous Metadata mutations via Metadata storage request optionCDAP-15305Resolved issue: CDAP-15305Bobby Meelu
- For the kubernetes runtime, reduce service name lengthCDAP-15303Resolved issue: CDAP-15303Ali Anwar
- MapReduce pipelines can aggregate incorrectlyCDAP-15299Resolved issue: CDAP-15299Albert Shau
- Improve error reporting from BigQuery sinkCDAP-15289Resolved issue: CDAP-15289Vinisha Shah
- Fix alignment of pipeline actions in top panel in pipeline detailed viewCDAP-15286Resolved issue: CDAP-15286Ajai Narayanan
- SchemaHash does not differentiate between logical typesCDAP-15281Resolved issue: CDAP-15281Vinisha Shah
- DatasetService shouldn't hold a thread that just sleepCDAP-15280Resolved issue: CDAP-15280Terence Yim
- Logs via JUL logger is not redirected to SLF4jCDAP-15279Resolved issue: CDAP-15279Terence Yim
- Output schema dialog is missing the SQL from Import QueryCDAP-15262Resolved issue: CDAP-15262Ajai Narayanan
- Launching Wrangler UI from the Wrangler plugin causes CLI portion of the screen to become inaccessible.CDAP-15261Resolved issue: CDAP-15261Yuki Jung
- Support types such as numeric, array in BigQuery plugins and DataprepCDAP-15256Resolved issue: CDAP-15256Vinisha Shah
- System Admin - Change label of service from Dataprep to WranglerCDAP-15254Resolved issue: CDAP-15254Ajai Narayanan
- Once a secure key widget is opened it is hard to close it back without entering any valueCDAP-15238Resolved issue: CDAP-15238Ajai Narayanan
- BigQuery Batch Sink: Schema ManagementCDAP-15235Resolved issue: CDAP-15235Arina Ielchiieva
- Change product faviconCDAP-15231Resolved issue: CDAP-15231Ajai Narayanan
- Update wrangler URL to /wrangler from /dataprepCDAP-15213Resolved issue: CDAP-15213Yuki Jung
- Pipelines node name clipped - increase number of characters displayedCDAP-15185Resolved issue: CDAP-15185Ajai Narayanan
- Left panel should close when Hub link is clickedCDAP-15148Resolved issue: CDAP-15148Ajai Narayanan
- Settings menu should open below the gearboxCDAP-15147Resolved issue: CDAP-15147Ajai Narayanan
- CDAP master fails to start up on Ambari (HDP issue: CDAP-15029Terence Yim
- Joiner plugin fails to generate schema if incoming nodes have '&'CDAP-14999Resolved issue: CDAP-14999Ajai Narayanan
- Error writing to BigQuery table in different zoneCDAP-14951Resolved issue: CDAP-14951Albert Shau
- All network services started by the PreviewRunner should be binded to localhost and random portCDAP-14943Resolved issue: CDAP-14943Terence Yim
- File source get schema is confusingCDAP-14845Resolved issue: CDAP-14845Albert Shau
- Update get schema button for pluginsCDAP-14844Resolved issue: CDAP-14844Albert Shau
- Fix error message when a non-nullable field receives a null valueCDAP-14823Resolved issue: CDAP-14823Albert Shau
- BigQuery sink should ignore URI scheme for bucket name if presentCDAP-14820Resolved issue: CDAP-14820Vinisha Shah
- Preparation - make the directives caret discoverableCDAP-14774Resolved issue: CDAP-14774Yuki Jung
- Remove Plugin EndpointsCDAP-14772Resolved issue: CDAP-14772Albert Shau
- Change name for "Directives"CDAP-14698Resolved issue: CDAP-14698Ajai Narayanan
- Fix bad workspace idsCDAP-14691Resolved issue: CDAP-14691Albert Shau
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