Value Mapper is a type of transform that maps string values of a field in the input record to another value. Mappings are usually stored in another dataset. This provides you a simple alternative for mapping data in the record.
Use-case for Value Mapper Plugin
If you want to replace language codes in the input record field to language description.
- Source Field name : language_code
- Target field name : language_desc
- Mappings, Source / Target : DE/German, ES/Spanish, EN/English, etc.
If source field to be mapped is null, then target field will be null
If source field to be mapped is empty, then target field will be empty
If source field cannot be mapped, then a default could be assigned and that’s populated in the target field
More than one field can be mapped using this transform
Source field type can be of only string type
Output field type can be of only string type
Following are the options that should be provided for user to configure
Configuring the value mapper fields
How the source field should be handled
If NULL, then user can provide a default value or NULL
If EMPTY, then user can provide a default value or EMPTY
Output Schema should allow
Remove Source Field
Include Target Field
Implementation strategy to allow user to provide default value for mapping field (default value or empty or null)
Plugin would expect the input with following UI Widget:
This will be represented in json format in plugin as: "defaults":"field1:value1, field2:value2"
Suppose that user takes the input data( employee details) through the csv file or any other source and wants to apply value mapper on certain field (field=Designation).
This would be helpful for user to access data in terms of readability.
Source: We are considering the source as CSV file, For Example:
Source | | Output from Source | Type | Value |
S3 | | Id | String | 1234 |
Path: Path on S3 | | Name | String | John |
CSV File with fields: | | Salary | INT | 9000 |
id, name,salary,designation | | Designation | String | 2 |
ValueMapper Plugin : For this input will be the StructuredRecord from source and Mapping/Lookup Dataset.
The transform function in this plugin will apply the mapping on the source fields using Lookup Interface.
StructuredRecord Format:
Id | String |
Name | String |
Salary | INT |
Designation | String |
Sample structure for Mapping/Lookup Dataset
Designation | Value |
1 | SE |
2 | SSE |
3 | ML |
Sink : After the transformations from ValueMapper plugin, output will have below structure:
FieldName | Type | Value |
Id | String | 1234 |
Name | String | John |
Salary | INT | 9000 |
Designation | String | SSE |
"name": "ValueMapper",
"type": "transform",
"properties": {
"mapping": "source1:LookupTableName:target1,source2:LookupTable2:target2",
The transform takes record that have "id,name,salary,designationID" fields, maps the value of designationID field to generate designationName field based on the mapping dataset and then returns a record containing "id,name,salary,designationName" fields.
For example, if the input is like:
field name | type | value |
id | string | US1 |
name | string | samuel |
salary | string | 1000 |
designationID | string | D3 |
it will transform it to this output record:
field name | type | value |
id | string | US1 |
name | string | samuel |
salary | string | 1000 |
designationName | string | Module Lead |