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In this document I used the term local dataset to refer to the datasets which are defined inside the scope of the Workflow, however temporary, transient refer to same thing. We can finalize which term to use. 

Local dataset Definition

Local datasets are the datasets which are configured inside the Workflow. These datasets are created by the Workflow driver for each run and are deleted once the Workflow run finishes. In some situations user can choose not to delete them for the debugging purpose by providing appropriate runtime arguments. These datasets should be hidden from the normal list dataset calls and only visible from the Workflow run level UI page for exploring/debugging purpose. 

Use Cases

    1. JIRA: CDAP-3969: CDAP should offer a temporary location to store results between jobs of a workflow.

      Case A)

      Consider the above sample workflow from CDAP-Workflow guide. The goal is to process the raw purchase events from the purchaseEvents stream and find the purchases made by each customer and purchases made for the particular product. When workflow runs, PurchaseEventParser reads the raw events from the purchaseEvents stream and writes the purchase objects to the purchaseRecords dataset. This dataset is later used by PurchaseCounterByCustomer and PurchaseCounterByProduct MapReduce programs as input to create the datasets customerPurchases and productPurchases respectively. Note that when the workflow completes, user is only interested in the final datasets that are created by the Workflow run: customerPurchases and productPurchases. The dataset purchaseRecords created by the MapReduce program PurchaseEventParser is local to the Workflow and no longer required when the workflow run is completed.

      Case B)
      MapReduce program in CDAP can output to the multiple datasets. Consider that the above Workflow can be modified, so that PurchaseEventParser can also write to the errorRecords along with the purchaseRecords dataset. The errorRecords contains the raw events from the purchaseEvents stream for which parsing failed. In this case, the errorRecords may not be local since user may want to perform some analysis on it using another CDAP application to find out the sources which are emitting the bad data frequently. 

      Case C)
      If for some reason, MapReduce program PurchaseEventParser is not generating the required amount of the data, user may want to keep the dataset purchaseRecords even after the run of the Workflow completes, so that he can debug it further.


    2. JIRA: CDAP-4075: Error handling for Workflows.
      Case A) When the Workflow fails for some reason, user may want to notify appropriate parties via email, possibly with the cause of the failure and the node at which the Workflow failed.
      Case B) When the Workflow fails for some reason at a particular node, user may want to cleanup the datasets and files created by the previous nodes in the Workflow.
