- Wrangler User Defined Directive (UDD) XmlToJson: Type casting --> BigQuery Sink - Nested structure double --> not in union ["double","null"]CDAP-19831
- After all the pushdown features are merged,the code has to be refactored/optimized such that common code can be written at one placeCDAP-19672
- As part of need to do UI testing for all componentsCDAP-19498Fernando Velasquez
- As part of need to add e2e tests for all pluginsCDAP-19497
- Unable to create a realtime pipeline in CDAP 660 from a Kafka ConnectionCDAP-19331Prerna Bellara
- Better exception handling in Kafka consumer flowlet libraryCDAP-7762Resolved issue: CDAP-7762NitinM
- kafka-flow-compat-0.7 should not use twill-0.6.0CDAP-6474Resolved issue: CDAP-6474Ali Anwar
- Kafka Pack needs a Kafka-0.9 moduleCDAP-5433Resolved issue: CDAP-5433NitinM
- Use KafkaTester ExternalResource in cdap-kafka-pack unit testsCDAP-4795Resolved issue: CDAP-4795Bhooshan Mogal
- Kafka Pack should provide a default way of handling instance changesCDAP-4759Resolved issue: CDAP-4759NitinM
- Kafka Pack should allow reset of offsetCDAP-4757Resolved issue: CDAP-4757NitinM
- Kafka pack 0.7 fails because ArtifactClassLoaderFactory loads scala classes from a later scala versionCDAP-3822Resolved issue: CDAP-3822Ali Anwar
- Logstash plugin to ingest data to streamsCDAP-3567Resolved issue: CDAP-3567Albert Shau
- Verify that kafka-pack handles OffsetOutOfRangeException appropriatelyCDAP-3414Resolved issue: CDAP-3414Ali Anwar
- Verify CDAP Apps & CDAP Packs for 2.8CDAP-1824Resolved issue: CDAP-1824Julien Guery
- KafkaConsumerFlowlet 0.7 does not handle OffsetOutOfRangeException correctlyCDAP-1442Resolved issue: CDAP-1442Poorna Chandra
- Kafka Pack Test fails with JDK1.7CDAP-1392Resolved issue: CDAP-1392Gokul Gunasekaran
- Refactor Kafka flowlet pack polling logicCDAP-1067Resolved issue: CDAP-1067Terence Yim
- KafkaConsumerFlowlet's getDefaultOffset does not work as advertisedCDAP-804Resolved issue: CDAP-804Ali Anwar
- KafkaConsumerFlowlet attempts to modify an unmodifiable map.CDAP-651Resolved issue: CDAP-651Terence Yim
- CDAP Packs pom.xml and README files inconsistentCDAP-646Resolved issue: CDAP-646NitinM
- Kafka consumer should support automatic partition handling for a topicCDAP-622Resolved issue: CDAP-622Terence Yim
- Design and Implement reusable Twitter Data Ingestion FlowletCDAP-433Resolved issue: CDAP-433Gokul Gunasekaran
- Design and Implement flowlet for writing to KafkaCDAP-432Resolved issue: CDAP-432Gokul Gunasekaran
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