- Revamp Metadata operations at underlying storage levelCDAP-14070Rohit Sinha
- Improve metadata experience for versioned entitiesCDAP-13597Rohit Sinha
- Document privileges required for cdap with authorizationCDAP-13531Mikkin Patel
- security.authorization.extension.jar.path should be a directory configurationCDAP-12317Resolved issue: CDAP-12317Rohit Sinha
- getServiceInstances in ProgramClient does incorrect deserializationCDAP-11419Resolved issue: CDAP-11419Bhooshan Mogal
- Tracker should "remember" the time range selected when changing screensCDAP-9722Resolved issue: CDAP-9722
- Most Active Program returns runid for programNameCDAP-9692Resolved issue: CDAP-9692abhinavc
- Tracker failing to send messages after laptop sleepCDAP-9647Resolved issue: CDAP-9647Terence Yim
- Cannot start Tracker after leaving networkCDAP-9614Resolved issue: CDAP-9614Terence Yim
- Consolidate RESTful APIs in Reference Manual from other manualsCDAP-9430Resolved issue: CDAP-9430John Jackson
- Error in parameterCDAP-9270Resolved issue: CDAP-9270John Jackson
- Add RBAC integration testsCDAP-9172Resolved issue: CDAP-9172Yaojie Feng
- CDAP Sentry extension should not allow granting privileges to non-existing user/groupCDAP-9164Resolved issue: CDAP-9164Rohit Sinha
- CDAP Sentry extension allows any user to see privileges for other user/groups/rolesCDAP-9146Bhooshan Mogal
- CDAP UI shows services down message when failed to fetch privileges for logged in userCDAP-9139Ajai Narayanan
- CDAP Sentry Integration should not rely on every user having their own individual groupCDAP-9125Resolved issue: CDAP-9125Poorna Chandra
- Improve Caching privilegesCDAP-9121Resolved issue: CDAP-9121Nishith Nand
- admin users privileges are not dropped if the user is removed from admin.users listCDAP-9120Resolved issue: CDAP-9120Rohit Sinha
- Add tests for role management in CDAP with sentryCDAP-9047Bhooshan Mogal
- Revoking privileges from a role revoked the privilege from all rolesCDAP-9046Resolved issue: CDAP-9046Rohit Sinha
- cdap sentry listPrivileges used to build privilege cache does not list priviliges for the user's groupCDAP-9035Resolved issue: CDAP-9035Rohit Sinha
- Cannot grant privileges to a role in sentry from cdapCDAP-9029Resolved issue: CDAP-9029Rohit Sinha
- Fix user based grant in cdap sentry extensionCDAP-9027Resolved issue: CDAP-9027Rohit Sinha
- Entity deletion does not delete role for the entityCDAP-9026Resolved issue: CDAP-9026Rohit Sinha
- CDAP should support groups as admin rather than admin.users for authorizationCDAP-9025Resolved issue: CDAP-9025Rohit Sinha
- revoke all command results in entities which cannot be accessed or deleted by anyoneCDAP-9024Resolved issue: CDAP-9024Rohit Sinha
- List privileges CLI command should sort privileges on entity idCDAP-9023Resolved issue: CDAP-9023Rohit Sinha
- When using kryo serializer in Spark, it may be loading spark classes from the main classloader instead of the SparkRunnerClassLoaderCDAP-8980Resolved issue: CDAP-8980Terence Yim
- Authorization for getting artifact detail for a given artifact range does not allow accessing system artifactsCDAP-8975Resolved issue: CDAP-8975Rohit Sinha
- Sometimes wrong YARN container size is being allocatedCDAP-8888Resolved issue: CDAP-8888Terence Yim
- Improves the error message when fail to find the main method of a classic Spark programCDAP-8850Resolved issue: CDAP-8850Deepak Wadhwani
- Backport storing Location Path instead of URIs from CDAP 4.1CDAP-8586Resolved issue: CDAP-8586Albert Shau
- Add backend Health Check to node proxyCDAP-8260Resolved issue: CDAP-8260Ajai Narayanan
- Ambari service uses incorrect permissions on non-KerberosCDAP-8224Resolved issue: CDAP-8224Chris Gianelloni
- Implement Spark lookups Hydrator pluginCDAP-8182Resolved issue: CDAP-8182Bhooshan Mogal
- Upgrade Tool should reconcile configuration files and produce valid configuration for CDAP 4.0CDAP-8099Resolved issue: CDAP-8099NitinM
- Remove TTL update from the Upgrade ToolCDAP-8086Resolved issue: CDAP-8086Shankar Selvam
- Kerberos enabled CDAP with non-kerberos HiveCDAP-8018Resolved issue: CDAP-8018NitinM
- Presentation of service statuses needs to be improvedCDAP-7986Resolved issue: CDAP-7986NitinM
- NoNode for / server could not startup with CDH5.7CDAP-7972Resolved issue: CDAP-7972NitinM
- Warn or disallow users from using datasets that require tx in a nontransactional mannerCDAP-7902Resolved issue: CDAP-7902Andreas Neumann
- After restarting UI, browser window keep showing green bar and refreshes every couple seconds.CDAP-7852Resolved issue: CDAP-7852NitinM
- In Ambari integrated distributed cluster router bind address should point to the actual host nameCDAP-7851Resolved issue: CDAP-7851NitinM
- HashPartition javadocs should indicate the implication of not specifying the same partitionkey in the emitting flowletCDAP-7850Resolved issue: CDAP-7850NitinM
- ProgramLifecycleHttpHandler get getProgramRuntimeArgs and saveProgramRuntimeArgs are inconsistentCDAP-7837Resolved issue: CDAP-7837Chengfeng Mao
- Program Cannot be Executed without access to the NamespaceCDAP-7802Resolved issue: CDAP-7802Nishith Nand
- Turning on external ssl without providing a keystore file throws a Guice provisioning errorCDAP-7771Bhooshan Mogal
- Log retrieval HTTP API documentation is inaccurateCDAP-7755Resolved issue: CDAP-7755John Jackson
- Improve CDAP logging for easier self-service proceduresCDAP-7750Resolved issue: CDAP-7750NitinM
- add Kafka - HBase inconsistency resolving to UICDAP-7749Resolved issue: CDAP-7749NitinM
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