- CSVParser plugin in hydrator should spell out what PDL and TDF isCDAP-11082Resolved issue: CDAP-11082Ananya Bhattacharya
- plugins should validate regex before publishing pipelineCDAP-11042Resolved issue: CDAP-11042NitinM
- s3 source should read all data in the folder and subfoldersCDAP-11015Resolved issue: CDAP-11015NitinM
- Live-info does not work for workflowsCDAP-10514Resolved issue: CDAP-10514Ali Anwar
- S3 Sinks broken in standalone SDKCDAP-10506Resolved issue: CDAP-10506Sreevatsan Raman
- Clicking another node before the config for the one selected loads highlights two nodesCDAP-10287Resolved issue: CDAP-10287NitinM
- Dates in the UI should always be displayed as human readableCDAP-9865Resolved issue: CDAP-9865NitinM
- Tracker should interpret and display external dataset schemasCDAP-9856Resolved issue: CDAP-9856Bhooshan Mogal
- Tracker should be able to search just * and show all datasetsCDAP-9830Resolved issue: CDAP-9830Sushil Adokar
- Cross namespace dataset access in programs should be presented in trackerCDAP-9810Resolved issue: CDAP-9810Riwaz Poudyal
- NaiveBayesTrainer has permgen memory leakCDAP-7608Resolved issue: CDAP-7608NitinM
- cdap application names need to support "."CDAP-7282Resolved issue: CDAP-7282Andreas Neumann
- Using readless increments in concurrent transactions causes conflictsCDAP-7225Resolved issue: CDAP-7225Andreas Neumann
- Improve CDAP Master logging of eventsCDAP-7208Resolved issue: CDAP-7208Andreas Neumann
- Lifecycle APIs are inconsistentCDAP-7191Resolved issue: CDAP-7191Terence Yim
- Fix Javadocs under Java 8CDAP-7165Resolved issue: CDAP-7165Sreevatsan Raman
- CDAP Master and CDAP Upgrade Tool hang on incorrect Zookeeper quorumCDAP-7154Resolved issue: CDAP-7154Kashif Nazir
- start does not work in a tmux sessionCDAP-7153Resolved issue: CDAP-7153NitinM
- Port fix for CDAP-7021 to release-3.4 branchCDAP-7139Resolved issue: CDAP-7139Albert Shau
- Port fix for CDAP-7066 to release-3.4 branchCDAP-7136Resolved issue: CDAP-7136Poorna Chandra
- Port CDAP-6364 to release-3.4 branchCDAP-7135Resolved issue: CDAP-7135Gokul Gunasekaran
- All file handles not getting closed in a CDAP Master leader-follower-leader transitionCDAP-7078Resolved issue: CDAP-7078Ali Anwar
- Restart of a system service does not wait for the service to stopCDAP-7066Resolved issue: CDAP-7066Poorna Chandra
- DynamicPartitioner should have a better way for the user to handle null valuesCDAP-7053Resolved issue: CDAP-7053NitinM
- CDAP should warn users when a partitioning column has the same name as a table columnCDAP-7051Bhooshan Mogal
- Incorrect log statement in run record correctorCDAP-7031Resolved issue: CDAP-7031Ali Anwar
- MapReduce programs fail on clusters with Phoenix enabledCDAP-7030Resolved issue: CDAP-7030Poorna Chandra
- Run record drop down should show AM/PMCDAP-7029Resolved issue: CDAP-7029Edwin Elia
- Handle container delegation token update failuresCDAP-7024Bhooshan Mogal
- Remove unsetting of 'mapreduce.jobhistory.address' from MapReduceRuntimeServiceCDAP-6988Resolved issue: CDAP-6988Rohit Sinha
- UI should be able to handle slow response from REST APIsCDAP-6986Resolved issue: CDAP-6986Ajai Narayanan
- Live-info does not work for workflowsCDAP-6935Resolved issue: CDAP-6935Ali Anwar
- Authorization for system servicesCDAP-6917Mikkin Patel
- Use YarnClient instead of making an http request to Yarn webapp, for cluster metricsCDAP-6913Resolved issue: CDAP-6913Terence Yim
- Support concurrent runs of a Spark programCDAP-6885Resolved issue: CDAP-6885Terence Yim
- Not all master services respect 'master.service.memory.mb'CDAP-6862Resolved issue: CDAP-6862Ali Anwar
- Application Config Integer field is being returned as floatCDAP-6861Bhooshan Mogal
- improve cube performance when querying for more than one measureCDAP-6860Resolved issue: CDAP-6860Shankar Selvam
- WorkerContext.execute() is inconsistent with the Transactional APICDAP-6837Resolved issue: CDAP-6837Andreas Neumann
- Deprecated methods are present in the docs for ProgramClientCDAP-6836Resolved issue: CDAP-6836NitinM
- Scheduler Quartz jobs are not deleted upon namespace (app) deleteCDAP-6823Sagar Kapare
- Add Worker Examples in cdap docsCDAP-6791Resolved issue: CDAP-6791NitinM
- Excessive WARN and ERROR logging when zookeeper server is downCDAP-6680Resolved issue: CDAP-6680Albert Shau
- Configurable parameters should have defaults in cdap-default.xmlCDAP-6646Resolved issue: CDAP-6646Sreevatsan Raman
- Failure while listing privileges causes DefaultAuthorizationEnforcementService to failCDAP-6645Resolved issue: CDAP-6645Bhooshan Mogal
- Attempting to delete system artifact, by specifying user namespace gives 200CDAP-6642Resolved issue: CDAP-6642Denton Liu
- Listing programs of a particular type in a nonexistent namespace returns 200CDAP-6641Resolved issue: CDAP-6641Denton Liu
- Management of entity roles (dot roles) in the Sentry extension should be a convenience, not a requirementCDAP-6634Resolved issue: CDAP-6634Bhooshan Mogal
- DatasetFramework is missing a getAllModules methodCDAP-6629Resolved issue: CDAP-6629Bhooshan Mogal
- Perform deletion of log files upon namespace deleteCDAP-6612Resolved issue: CDAP-6612Ali Anwar
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