- HiveBatchSource and Sink should not use temp table to store schemaCDAP-11319Resolved issue: CDAP-11319Rohit Sinha
- test and support vertica bulk load plugin on secure clustersCDAP-11268Resolved issue: CDAP-11268Rohit Sinha
- Update hadoop dependency in CDAP and hydrator pluginsCDAP-11138Resolved issue: CDAP-11138Sreevatsan Raman
- Enhance TPFS BatchSource to use PartitionConsumerCDAP-11114Resolved issue: CDAP-11114Russ Savage
- Unify Database source and Teradata sourceCDAP-11063Resolved issue: CDAP-11063NitinM
- Database plugin docs should document or link to how to use third party connector jarsCDAP-10723Resolved issue: CDAP-10723John Jackson
- Fix ETL Lookup docsCDAP-10557Resolved issue: CDAP-10557Shankar Selvam
- UI Limits more than one source in the data pipelineCDAP-10549Resolved issue: CDAP-10549Ajai Narayanan
- Document the Hydrator workflow processCDAP-10530Resolved issue: CDAP-10530John Jackson
- Metrics for Hydrator Pipeline is not computed correctlyCDAP-10489Resolved issue: CDAP-10489Shankar Selvam
- Hydrator validator plugin renders incorrectlyCDAP-10457Resolved issue: CDAP-10457Ajai Narayanan
- CDAP Hydrator UI breaks while cloning a pipelineCDAP-10440Resolved issue: CDAP-10440Ajai Narayanan
- Not able to delete pipeline from UI after it has been run onceCDAP-10437Resolved issue: CDAP-10437Edwin Elia
- Hydrator UI errors out pipelines containing a stream with no schemaCDAP-10428Resolved issue: CDAP-10428Ajai Narayanan
- Hydrator Pipeline UI shows nextruntime even though the backend returns an empty listCDAP-10356Resolved issue: CDAP-10356Ajai Narayanan
- Missing 'connection' field in hydrator batch json breaks UICDAP-10349Resolved issue: CDAP-10349Ajai Narayanan
- There is a fine (1px) line on icon of Hydrator pluginsCDAP-10330Resolved issue: CDAP-10330Andrew Westlund
- Clear and Propagate feature improvementsCDAP-10317Resolved issue: CDAP-10317Ajai Narayanan
- Script transform fails on Java 8CDAP-10311Resolved issue: CDAP-10311Albert Shau
- UI using wrong etl app versionCDAP-10179Resolved issue: CDAP-10179Ajai Narayanan
- Logs window doesn't maximize with the Hydrator 'maximize' buttonCDAP-10169Resolved issue: CDAP-10169Ajai Narayanan
- CDAP UI running in chrome on windows machine breaks in hydrator studioCDAP-10168Resolved issue: CDAP-10168Edwin Elia
- FileBatchSource's fileSystemProperties are not propagated while setting the input pathCDAP-10157Resolved issue: CDAP-10157Bhooshan Mogal
- Hydrator doesn't log correctly after the first runCDAP-10103Resolved issue: CDAP-10103Vinisha Shah
- Metric for Hydrator doubled some of the nameCDAP-10090Resolved issue: CDAP-10090Shankar Selvam
- Hydrator plugins are not available in Cloudera Manager clustersCDAP-10078Resolved issue: CDAP-10078Derek Wood
- Pre-configured pipelines don't include right version of plugins.CDAP-10058Resolved issue: CDAP-10058Sreevatsan Raman
- Zoom controls are unboundedCDAP-10022Resolved issue: CDAP-10022Ajai Narayanan
- HBase sink fails when used as one of multiple sinksCDAP-9981Resolved issue: CDAP-9981Ali Anwar
- Teradata plugin should use a password widget for the password fieldCDAP-9968Resolved issue: CDAP-9968Bhooshan Mogal
- Propagate schema does not workCDAP-9944Resolved issue: CDAP-9944Ajai Narayanan
- Publishing a pipeline from UI on windows machine creates two copy of pipelineCDAP-9900Resolved issue: CDAP-9900Ajai Narayanan
- UI Configuration for some plugins are incorrectCDAP-9897Resolved issue: CDAP-9897Shankar Selvam
- Hydrator python plugin has bad error messagingCDAP-9886Resolved issue: CDAP-9886Ali Anwar
- MultipleOutputs#close() should pass appropriate context rather than using same contextCDAP-7535Resolved issue: CDAP-7535Vinisha Shah
- App deletion in one namespace fails if the same app has any program running in another namespaceCDAP-7398Resolved issue: CDAP-7398Rohit Sinha
- unrecoverable reset of a namespace also deletes the namespace itselfCDAP-7395Resolved issue: CDAP-7395NitinM
- waitForFinish for programs should allow waiting for a finish statusCDAP-7080Resolved issue: CDAP-7080NitinM
- Multiple instances of a Table in the same transaction do not see each other's writesCDAP-6579Resolved issue: CDAP-6579NitinM
- MasterStartupTool should use root location factoryCDAP-6270Resolved issue: CDAP-6270Rohit Sinha
- Improve handling of missing log filesCDAP-5962Resolved issue: CDAP-5962Vinisha Shah
- CDAP Kafka Ingest Guide release/3.3 compat branch does not buildCDAP-5859Resolved issue: CDAP-5859NitinM
- HDFS delegation token of CDAP Master is getting cancelled by RM after an explore query runCDAP-5855Resolved issue: CDAP-5855Poorna Chandra
- Failure to update HDFS delegation token for long running application in HA modeCDAP-5844Resolved issue: CDAP-5844Ali Anwar
- Workflow cannot determine what schedule triggered itCDAP-5805Resolved issue: CDAP-5805NitinM
- No auto-completion for schedule names in CLICDAP-5804Bhooshan Mogal
- Import for ETLRealtime is brokenCDAP-5797Resolved issue: CDAP-5797Ajai Narayanan
- Explore should use updated credentials while launching Hive jobsCDAP-5793Resolved issue: CDAP-5793Ali Anwar
- Upgrade steps have hydrator upgrade as the wrong stepCDAP-5784Resolved issue: CDAP-5784John Jackson
- Removing metadata tags or properties for an entity deletes all metadataCDAP-5561Resolved issue: CDAP-5561Poorna Chandra
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