- Rename metadata tableCDAP-13759Resolved issue: CDAP-13759Vinisha Shah
- App deletion in one namespace fails if the same app has any program running in another namespaceCDAP-7398Resolved issue: CDAP-7398Rohit Sinha
- unrecoverable reset of a namespace also deletes the namespace itselfCDAP-7395Resolved issue: CDAP-7395NitinM
- waitForFinish for programs should allow waiting for a finish statusCDAP-7080Resolved issue: CDAP-7080NitinM
- Explore should use updated credentials while launching Hive jobsCDAP-5793Resolved issue: CDAP-5793Ali Anwar
- Update Table TTL property docs and java docs to SecondsCDAP-4956Resolved issue: CDAP-4956Shankar Selvam
- Querying for datasets for nonexistent application returns 200.CDAP-4469Resolved issue: CDAP-4469NitinM
- Update docs about concurrent workflow runsCDAP-4450Resolved issue: CDAP-4450John Jackson
- In HA HDFS mode reading from stream throws an java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Wrong FS exceptionCDAP-4384Resolved issue: CDAP-4384Terence Yim
- CDAP not working correctly in HA-RM secure clusterCDAP-4373Resolved issue: CDAP-4373Terence Yim
- .DS_Store files should be ignoredCDAP-4247Resolved issue: CDAP-4247Ali Anwar
- Maven archetypes still include bin/|batCDAP-4243Resolved issue: CDAP-4243Ali Anwar
- System Services link is oddCDAP-4186Resolved issue: CDAP-4186Andrew Westlund
- Upgrade Tephra to 0.4.4CDAP-4181Resolved issue: CDAP-4181Sagar Kapare
- Non class file resources in Hadoop is not loadable through Program ClassLoaderCDAP-4127Resolved issue: CDAP-4127Terence Yim
- Clean up installation documentation to clearly specify the steps needed for CSD install vs Ambari installation and manual installationCDAP-4093Resolved issue: CDAP-4093John Jackson
- Socket connection to TX service is not closing properlyCDAP-4067Resolved issue: CDAP-4067Ali Anwar
- Remove usage of Transactional from CDAP codebaseCDAP-3934Resolved issue: CDAP-3934Terence Yim
- Remove unnecessary remote calls when getting a dataset instanceCDAP-3902Resolved issue: CDAP-3902Alvin Wang
- Dataset Service performance degradationCDAP-3890Resolved issue: CDAP-3890Andreas Neumann
- When a system service (metrics, log.saver, explore etc) is stopped, not all the dependent services are stoppedCDAP-3861Resolved issue: CDAP-3861Shankar Selvam
- HTTP Handlers return an empty message with a 500 responseCDAP-3713Resolved issue: CDAP-3713Bhooshan Mogal
- DataGenerator outputs invalid stream recordsCDAP-3667Resolved issue: CDAP-3667Albert Shau
- System Services get hdfs auth errorsCDAP-3660Resolved issue: CDAP-3660Poorna Chandra
- Move etl transform validation logic from runtime to configure timeCDAP-3603Resolved issue: CDAP-3603Albert Shau
- Fileset Datasets need to remove files they added upon transaction rollback.CDAP-3584Resolved issue: CDAP-3584Ali Anwar
- Explore does not work with HDP Hive 0.12CDAP-3574Resolved issue: CDAP-3574Poorna Chandra
- Readless increment co-processor throws IllegalStateException during flushCDAP-3449Resolved issue: CDAP-3449Poorna Chandra
- Upgrade Tool message states an incorrect versionCDAP-3407Resolved issue: CDAP-3407Rohit Sinha
- logback-container.xml not being copied into master servicesCDAP-3362Resolved issue: CDAP-3362Terence Yim
- InMemoryDatasetFramework does not convert TTL from seconds to milli-seconds.CDAP-3345Resolved issue: CDAP-3345Shankar Selvam
- Set the right size of heap for CDAP mapreduce jobsCDAP-3344Resolved issue: CDAP-3344Vinisha Shah
- Deploying app using CLI on windows failsCDAP-3340Resolved issue: CDAP-3340Bhooshan Mogal
- Explore Insert queries broken on hdp2CDAP-3312Resolved issue: CDAP-3312Ali Anwar
- Add integration tests for insert queries in HiveCDAP-3311Resolved issue: CDAP-3311Ali Anwar
- Some metrics are being emitted using Twill run idCDAP-3309Resolved issue: CDAP-3309Shankar Selvam
- Simplify querying aggregates via RuntimeStatsCDAP-3225Resolved issue: CDAP-3225Ali Anwar
- Dataset Detail page on UI doesn't show Storage, read, write metrics if explore is not enabled.CDAP-3123Resolved issue: CDAP-3123Ajai Narayanan
- Stop timestamp in RunRecord is truncatedCDAP-3100Resolved issue: CDAP-3100Poorna Chandra
- Services page in UI requires http request body to be JSONCDAP-3095Resolved issue: CDAP-3095Tony Bach
- Add the ability in TableSink to find schema.row.field case-insensitivelyCDAP-3077Resolved issue: CDAP-3077Bhooshan Mogal
- Lifecycle methods should be able use the same or a different transactionCDAP-3060Resolved issue: CDAP-3060Terence Yim
- Inconsistent transactional behavior of beforeSubmit() and onFinish()CDAP-3059Resolved issue: CDAP-3059Terence Yim
- User Service 'methods' field in service specification can be inaccurateCDAP-3044Resolved issue: CDAP-3044Ali Anwar
- Cannot use PartitionedFileSet in a custom datasetCDAP-3037Resolved issue: CDAP-3037Andreas Neumann
- Update cdap-spark-* archetypesCDAP-3006Resolved issue: CDAP-3006Rohit Sinha
- RemoteAdapterManager needs implementationCDAP-2995Resolved issue: CDAP-2995Ali Anwar
- Verify that the Workflow contains all programs/custom actions with unique name.CDAP-2982Resolved issue: CDAP-2982Sagar Kapare
- Dataset Registration should register datasets for applications upon deployCDAP-2971Resolved issue: CDAP-2971Ali Anwar
- MapReduce job using FileSet/PartitionedFileSet as input fails if there are no input partitions.CDAP-2945Resolved issue: CDAP-2945Ali Anwar
50 of 365
Currently metadata table are named
We should remove the multiple occurrence of 'metadata' in name.