- App deletion in one namespace fails if the same app has any program running in another namespaceCDAP-7398Resolved issue: CDAP-7398Rohit Sinha
- unrecoverable reset of a namespace also deletes the namespace itselfCDAP-7395Resolved issue: CDAP-7395NitinM
- Explore should use updated credentials while launching Hive jobsCDAP-5793Resolved issue: CDAP-5793Ali Anwar
- Update Table TTL property docs and java docs to SecondsCDAP-4956Resolved issue: CDAP-4956Shankar Selvam
- In HA HDFS mode reading from stream throws an java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Wrong FS exceptionCDAP-4384Resolved issue: CDAP-4384Terence Yim
- .DS_Store files should be ignoredCDAP-4247Resolved issue: CDAP-4247Ali Anwar
- Non class file resources in Hadoop is not loadable through Program ClassLoaderCDAP-4127Resolved issue: CDAP-4127Terence Yim
- Socket connection to TX service is not closing properlyCDAP-4067Resolved issue: CDAP-4067Ali Anwar
- Remove usage of Transactional from CDAP codebaseCDAP-3934Resolved issue: CDAP-3934Terence Yim
- When a system service (metrics, log.saver, explore etc) is stopped, not all the dependent services are stoppedCDAP-3861Resolved issue: CDAP-3861Shankar Selvam
- Fileset Datasets need to remove files they added upon transaction rollback.CDAP-3584Resolved issue: CDAP-3584Ali Anwar
- InMemoryDatasetFramework does not convert TTL from seconds to milli-seconds.CDAP-3345Resolved issue: CDAP-3345Shankar Selvam
- Improve documentation around upgrading CDAPCDAP-2910Resolved issue: CDAP-2910John Jackson
- FileSet is treating a path starting with slash as a relative pathCDAP-2883Resolved issue: CDAP-2883Andreas Neumann
- cannot stop mapreduce through WEB UICDAP-2543Resolved issue: CDAP-2543Ali Anwar
- Workflow current run info endpoint is missing a /runs/ in the pathCDAP-2480Resolved issue: CDAP-2480Bhooshan Mogal
- Upgrade tool should execute operations in small batches to avoid transaction timeoutsCDAP-2478Resolved issue: CDAP-2478Rohit Sinha
- Upgrade tool should take arguments to override of configuration propertiesCDAP-2477Resolved issue: CDAP-2477Bhooshan Mogal
- Suppress logback logging in CLICDAP-2428Resolved issue: CDAP-2428Alvin Wang
- Broken link in DocsCDAP-2420Resolved issue: CDAP-2420John Jackson
- FileStreamAdmin.drop sometimes fails to delete the config.json fileCDAP-2419Resolved issue: CDAP-2419Terence Yim
- ApplicationMeta has an incorrect location of of the application archiveCDAP-2405Resolved issue: CDAP-2405Bhooshan Mogal
- NPE when plugin config does not contain a properties field for transformsCDAP-2394Resolved issue: CDAP-2394Gokul Gunasekaran
- KafkaLogWriterPlugin logs are too verboseCDAP-2392Resolved issue: CDAP-2392Sreevatsan Raman
- Namespace Create has concurrency issues.CDAP-2391Resolved issue: CDAP-2391Bhooshan Mogal
- Add the ability to specify stream properties/format via the Java APICDAP-2382Resolved issue: CDAP-2382Terence Yim
- Workflow driver fails to log successfullyCDAP-2371Resolved issue: CDAP-2371Sagar Kapare
- Re-using a plugin jar between two templates results in no extensions being found in either templateCDAP-2358Resolved issue: CDAP-2358Terence Yim
- Move PipelineConfigurer classes to cdap-api since they are not ETL specificCDAP-2336Resolved issue: CDAP-2336Albert Shau
- Scaling flowlet causes exceptionCDAP-2325Resolved issue: CDAP-2325Terence Yim
- Stream metrics should be deleted when a stream is deleted/truncated.CDAP-2316Resolved issue: CDAP-2316Bhooshan Mogal
- Broken Link in DocsCDAP-2305Resolved issue: CDAP-2305John Jackson
- Test DB ETL with PostgresqlCDAP-2304Resolved issue: CDAP-2304Bhooshan Mogal
- Test CDAP with YARN Fair SchedulerCDAP-2288Resolved issue: CDAP-2288Sreevatsan Raman
- Port DBSource and DBSink to plugin frameworkCDAP-2286Resolved issue: CDAP-2286Bhooshan Mogal
- Port TestSource and ScriptFilterTransform to plugin frameworkCDAP-2285Resolved issue: CDAP-2285Bhooshan Mogal
- Two ETL stages of different types should be able to share the same nameCDAP-2269Resolved issue: CDAP-2269Gokul Gunasekaran
- Convert StreamBatchSource into a pluginCDAP-2265Resolved issue: CDAP-2265Bhooshan Mogal
- Missing namespace for program runnable resource metricsCDAP-2252Resolved issue: CDAP-2252Shankar Selvam
- Workers do not run in distributed mode because of a missing binding to StreamWriterFactoryCDAP-2238Resolved issue: CDAP-2238Bhooshan Mogal
- New UI should switch over to using newer search/query APIsCDAP-2236Resolved issue: CDAP-2236Ali Anwar
- REST response for listing streams has wrong content typeCDAP-2225Resolved issue: CDAP-2225Andreas Neumann
- Add the ability to pass in headers while sending events through StreamClientCDAP-2211Resolved issue: CDAP-2211Bhooshan Mogal
- explore service fails on wrapped indexedTable with Avro (specific record) contentsCDAP-2208Resolved issue: CDAP-2208Albert Shau
- GET streams/{stream-id} should return the stream name in its responseCDAP-2205Resolved issue: CDAP-2205Andreas Neumann
- GET RunRecords should check with RuntimeService for accuracy.CDAP-2202Resolved issue: CDAP-2202Henry Saputra
- Deployment pipeline fails to create a stream during adapter deploymentCDAP-2201Resolved issue: CDAP-2201Gokul Gunasekaran
- After deleting queues, the pending events for the queues are incorrect.CDAP-2191Resolved issue: CDAP-2191Priyanka Nambiar
- Searching for metrics with namespace context does not yield metrics emitted at child contexts.CDAP-2173Resolved issue: CDAP-2173Ali Anwar
- Deprecate StreamWriter in favor of StreamManagerCDAP-2171Resolved issue: CDAP-2171Bhooshan Mogal
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The app deletion fails if the same app is deployed in another namespace and has a program running. This is because we compare just appid here: