- Use newer Golang docker image to build operator version 2.5CDAP-20574Resolved issue: CDAP-20574Arjan Bal
- When a system service (metrics, log.saver, explore etc) is stopped, not all the dependent services are stoppedCDAP-3861Resolved issue: CDAP-3861Shankar Selvam
- Automate the process of updating cdap spark archetypeCDAP-3600Resolved issue: CDAP-3600Rohit Sinha
- Intellij fails to resolve methods that are imported implicitly while writing spark program in ScalaCDAP-2949Resolved issue: CDAP-2949John Jackson
- Not using the correct HBaseConfiguration in DefaultTransactionStateCacheCDAP-1765Resolved issue: CDAP-1765Terence Yim
- Dataset API are inconsistent between configuration time and runtimeCDAP-1721Resolved issue: CDAP-1721Andreas Neumann
- Not all program arguments are serialized and pass to ProgramRunner in distributed modeCDAP-1322Resolved issue: CDAP-1322Terence Yim
- Setting LOG_DIR requires editing files deployed by packagesCDAP-1268Resolved issue: CDAP-1268Chris Gianelloni
- Investigate why app is not found immediately after deploying app using cdap-client or HTTP requestCDAP-1064Resolved issue: CDAP-1064
- Instance count and worker name is not set correctly on restartCDAP-1004Resolved issue: CDAP-1004Parth Gandhi
- Dataset service is not using chunk processing to handle large jar file uploadCDAP-874Resolved issue: CDAP-874Terence Yim
- DatasetFramework.getDataset() should delete the dataset jar after loadingCDAP-858Resolved issue: CDAP-858Terence Yim
- Router should handle downstream failures gracefullyCDAP-839Resolved issue: CDAP-839Poorna Chandra
- Allow verifying logging via TestBaseCDAP-806Resolved issue: CDAP-806Alex Baranau
- Dashboard should not display flowlet metrics for Generator flowletsCDAP-796Resolved issue: CDAP-796Ali Anwar
- "Service Unavailable" message never goes away after visiting explore page when explore is disabledCDAP-795Resolved issue: CDAP-795Ajai Narayanan
- Programs start failures occasionally on Hbase 0.98 clustersCDAP-690Resolved issue: CDAP-690Gary Helmling
- Make sure all services in YARN return status end points in consistent manner.CDAP-681Resolved issue: CDAP-681Sagar Kapare
- Implementation of Health Check for Auth ServerCDAP-680Resolved issue: CDAP-680Sagar Kapare
- Implementation of Health Check for RouterCDAP-679Resolved issue: CDAP-679Sagar Kapare
- Implementation of Health Check for DashboardCDAP-678Resolved issue: CDAP-678Adrien Cahen
- Health checks for CDAP HTTP servicesCDAP-663Resolved issue: CDAP-663Sagar Kapare
- Updates to Administration guideCDAP-612Resolved issue: CDAP-612John Jackson
- CDAP master crashes due to token expiration issue in secure CDAP on secure HadoopCDAP-562Resolved issue: CDAP-562Gary Helmling
- SparkKMeans example says Service not available for unknown indexCDAP-561Resolved issue: CDAP-561Rohit Sinha
- Downloaded Wise App doesn't deployCDAP-533Resolved issue: CDAP-533Julien Guery
- Flowlet callback for change instances eventCDAP-516Resolved issue: CDAP-516Terence Yim
- Missing getSpecification() method in ServiceWorkerContextCDAP-509Resolved issue: CDAP-509Terence Yim
- Add unit test for spark support in cliCDAP-508Resolved issue: CDAP-508Rohit Sinha
- Tracking bug for Twill delegation token refreshCDAP-504Resolved issue: CDAP-504Gary Helmling
- AvroFileLogReader can skip log entries with the same timestampCDAP-475Resolved issue: CDAP-475Gary Helmling
- Add SSL support to Transaction Manager DebuggerCDAP-456Resolved issue: CDAP-456Poorna Chandra
- Remove unused examples from deploy pomCDAP-410Resolved issue: CDAP-410Sreevatsan Raman
- Deploy pom in cdap_examples should add maven compiler pluginCDAP-408Resolved issue: CDAP-408Sreevatsan Raman
- Spark should have the ability to read from streamCDAP-403Resolved issue: CDAP-403Rohit Sinha
- Build Failure on WebAnalytics App 2.5.0CDAP-402Resolved issue: CDAP-402Dawoud Ibrahim
- Metrics Explorer in UI - selecting elements is buggy (see description)CDAP-401Resolved issue: CDAP-401Ali Anwar
- Integrate auth client with cdap-clientsCDAP-400Resolved issue: CDAP-400Alvin Wang
- Explore service hides the actual error messageCDAP-394Resolved issue: CDAP-394Parth Gandhi
- Can't add a custom dataset instance with a type defined in a custom dataset moduleCDAP-393Resolved issue: CDAP-393Gary Helmling
- CLI throws exceptions when Server responds with errorCDAP-390Resolved issue: CDAP-390Alvin Wang
- Outdated endpoints for Service instancesCDAP-388Resolved issue: CDAP-388Gokul Gunasekaran
- Readless increments are not used, even when enabledCDAP-383Resolved issue: CDAP-383Gary Helmling
- Apps get listed multiple timesCDAP-377Resolved issue: CDAP-377Rohit Sinha
- HBaseOrderedTable never calls HTable.close()CDAP-376Resolved issue: CDAP-376Terence Yim
- CLI fails to execute SQL queryCDAP-374Resolved issue: CDAP-374Alvin Wang
- is still in the distribution but has been replacedby CLICDAP-373Resolved issue: CDAP-373Julien Guery
- Typo in Programming GuideCDAP-370Resolved issue: CDAP-370John Jackson
- does not work in non-interactive modeCDAP-369Resolved issue: CDAP-369Alvin Wang
- Documentation fix for creating cdap app using archetypeCDAP-368Resolved issue: CDAP-368Sreevatsan Raman
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