- BQ Execute E2E test failurePLUGIN-1811Ankit Jain
- Oracle E2E tests are failing while installing the pluginPLUGIN-1674Rahul Sharma
- GCS Done File Marker plugin e2e test failed pipeline scenario is incorrectly configured because the pipeline succeeds when we are using SA jsonPLUGIN-1667Vipin Bhatt
- CDAP E2E for Database plugins leaking tablesPLUGIN-1642Vipin Bhatt
- Joiner: When number of Partition field has value, the output has no difference with and without value in Number of partition field.PLUGIN-1331
- CLONE - Wrangler plugin is not getting saved when macro used in table field as macro in source plugin.PLUGIN-1330
- Distinct: When number of Partition field is used, the output has no difference with and without value in Number of partition field also blank output files are generated along with single records are present in each output files.PLUGIN-1329
- Wrangler plugin is not getting saved when macro used in table field as macro in source plugin.PLUGIN-1327Divya B
- GroupBy: When number of Partition field has value, the output has no difference with and without value in Number of partition field.PLUGIN-1326
- BigQueryArgument Setter: No error message is displayed with invalid Argument Column field and also 'Column Name' text should be displayed instead of 'Value' in fieldPLUGIN-1318Pushpender Saini
- BigQueryArgument Setter: Documentation/Raw logs should be more clear with table and property field expected values and resultPLUGIN-1317robin
- BigQueryArgument Setter: Argument set conditions is setting "AND" in query request raw logsPLUGIN-1316
- BigQueryArgument Setter: Unable to set the arguments from an existing BigQuery table with provided argument set conditions and columnsPLUGIN-1315
- Deduplicate:When number of Partition field is used, the output has no difference with and without value in Number of partition field also blank output files are generated along with single records are present in each output files.PLUGIN-1310
- Error collector: Documentation there is a different name for a property called Error Emitter Node NamePLUGIN-1296
- Record Splitter (Delimited) - With pipe | value delimiter the records splits with each letter. With [|] and \\| inserted in BQ, then same letters splits.PLUGIN-1283
- Record Splitter (Delimited) - With \ slash delimiter preview fails for field to split and inserted data with double slash in BQ table.PLUGIN-1280
- Record Splitter (Delimited) - No error message displayed on invalid delimiter value when provided as number, preview is successfulPLUGIN-1279
- Record Splitter (Delimited) - Improper message is displayed when invalid field to split is provided not available in input schemaPLUGIN-1278
- Record Splitter (Delimited) - Unable to deploy the pipeline with macro enabled fields in record splitter pluginPLUGIN-1277
- Record Splitter (Delimited) - With { delimiter preview fails having data from BQ to GCSPLUGIN-1276
- Send Email Alert : Validation error , user is able to validate Invalid email address in sender and recipientsPLUGIN-1253
- Deduplicate Plugin:Preview is getting failed if unique fields is selected none.PLUGIN-1251Sanjana Sandeep
- Distinct: BQsource->Distinct->GCSsink, In Distinct if incorrect field name is provided highlighted field, error is displayed, but 2 errors is shown on topPLUGIN-1247Surya
- Transpose(Normalize): Error is displayed when comma separated field values are provided first then validate, then close and reopen the properties page, error not relavent is thrownPLUGIN-1237
- Transpose(Normalize): No error message is displayed when comma separated field values are provided but fields are highlighted, example need to be more clearPLUGIN-1236
- Transpose(Normalize): Since output schema is required to be added same needs to be added in documentation of plugin.PLUGIN-1235
- Transpose(Normalize): If null values are in csv filepath in source GCS then preview gets failed getting field 'xyz' cannot be set to null valuesPLUGIN-1234
- Transpose(Normalize): Null values from GCS source tables are dropped in target BigQuery table createdPLUGIN-1232
- Transpose(Normalize): Output schema added in Transpose only accepts string datatype for all the fields in output schema addedPLUGIN-1231
- Transpose(Normalize): Error messages are displayed for only field name first and not for field value if both are invalidPLUGIN-1229
- Transpose(Normalize): Error messages are not getting highlighted for field to be normalized field when invalid values are providedPLUGIN-1228
- Transpose(Normalize): In documentation the plugin name is not in sync with that provided in docsPLUGIN-1227
- DateTransformPlugin:Error is getting when we clear the output schema and again click on validate button no schema is generated.PLUGIN-1226
- DateTransformPlugin:Preview is getting failed with source fields transform when takes a date in long or unix Timestamp .PLUGIN-1225
- DateTransformPlugin:Error is getting when we do testing with macros(Source Field Name Field)PLUGIN-1224
- Distinct: After successful pipeline from BQsource->Distinct->GCSsink, blank files are generated along with files having records in GCP bucket path with single record eachPLUGIN-1218
- Distinct: After successful pipeline from BQsource->Distinct->GCSsink, for 4 distinct records, 4 different files are created one record in each file created in GCP bucket path and others are blank filesPLUGIN-1217
- Send Email Alert : Throws an error on validating the send email alert after filling all the mandatory fields, shows port (non mandatory) field needs to be given.PLUGIN-1216
- Deduplicate: Preview is success but the pipeline is getting intermittent error after 9 mins using Deduplicate analytics plugin with BigQuery source and BigQuery as sink(BQ source->Deduplicate->BQ sink).PLUGIN-1207Sanjana Sandeep
- Distinct: Preview is success but the pipeline is getting failed after 13 mins using Distinct analytics plugin with BigQuery source and BigQuery as sink(BQ source->Distinct->BQ sink).PLUGIN-1206
- Get Schema button missing from GCS Source ConfigPLUGIN-1205Sebastian Echegaray
- Joiner plugin performance issue :Pipeline takes long time to complete even for tables with very few records(like 2-3 rows)PLUGIN-1194Sumit Nigam
- CloudSQL MySQL sink- When only password is provided and username is blank throws proper error of username, but when only username is provided no proper error for passwordPLUGIN-1193
- Oracle source: Pipeline from Oracle source to GCS sink, the CSV file generated is not showing correct values for number datatype in Oracle table for CDAP mapped with decimal datatype.PLUGIN-1185
- BQMT: Allow Flexible Schema in output field macro enabled is not taking 'Yes' value at run time argumentsPLUGIN-1180Sumit Nigam
- BQMT: Table names are created as null when text and blob files formats are used to transfer from GCS to BQMT sinkPLUGIN-1179
- Joiner Plugin:When selected Join Condition Type as Advanced putting join condition like SQL Query output schema get generated but preview is getting failed so pipeline is also getting failed.PLUGIN-1169Prashant Jaikumar
- Joiner Plugin:Putting invalid vales in mandatory field "fields" no error is getting output schema is also generated with invalid field name.PLUGIN-1160Sumit Nigam
- Joiner Plugin:Output schema on top there is no detail saying checkbox is for what, + button is for whatPLUGIN-1159Sumit Nigam
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