BigQueryArgument Setter: Argument set conditions is setting "AND" in query request raw logs


After providing the Argument selection conditions and Argument columns of an existing bigquery table the pipeline fails.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Launch the latest CDAP (6.8.0)

  2. Open BigQuery Argument Setter plugin from conditions and actions.

  3. Fill the properties and click on validate, no errors are to be displayed.

  4. Now deploy the pipeline. The pipeline gets failed.

  5. In “View Raw Logs” query request is shown related to argument set conditions with AND condition.

  6. And same query executed in BQ fetches more than 1 record as per the condition provided.

  7. Whether it is AND or OR the query arguments should be fetched if records are matched as per set.

  8. Query request Records always fails if more records are resulted.

  9. The query result total rows should be "1" but is "5" is shown in log.

Expected: Pipeline should be successful with details provided in properties of an existing BigQuery table and should able to fetch the BiqQuery Query request to fetch arguments to set the pipeline with AND or OR in logs.
Actual: Pipeline gets failed and unable to fetch the BiqQuery Query request to fetch arguments to set the pipeline with only AND in logs.

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Created July 20, 2022 at 10:44 AM
Updated July 20, 2022 at 10:55 AM