The bundled cdap-site.xml.example, and which is also copied in the docs, can cause confusion to new users, as it refers to data-fabric, app-fabric, watchdog, etc. We need to update the file and be clearer on the documentation on what actually needs to be configured.
Questions from a user: App-Fabric has configuration values but is never mentioned in the documentation. I've not installed App-Fabric as a separate service, I'm assuming it's part of the CDAP install? What component hosts App-Fabric?
Data-Fabric has configuration values but is never mentioned in the documentation. What component hosts Data-Fabric?
Metrics query service has configuration values but is never mentioned in the documentation. What component hosts the metrics query service so I know what address to set the "metrics.query.bind.address" to?
The bundled cdap-site.xml.example, and which is also copied in the docs, can cause confusion to new users, as it refers to data-fabric, app-fabric, watchdog, etc. We need to update the file and be clearer on the documentation on what actually needs to be configured.
Questions from a user:
App-Fabric has configuration values but is never mentioned in the documentation. I've not installed App-Fabric as a separate service, I'm assuming it's part of the CDAP install? What component hosts App-Fabric?
Data-Fabric has configuration values but is never mentioned in the documentation. What component hosts Data-Fabric?
Metrics query service has configuration values but is never mentioned in the documentation. What component hosts the metrics query service so I know what address to set the "metrics.query.bind.address" to?