support submitting jobs on dataproc driver node groups cluster
While creating the Dataproc cluster, properties yarn:yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory.enforced=false and yarn:yarn.nodemanager.admin-env.SPARK_HOME=$SPARK_HOME are needed.
Note - The single quotes are important in the property when using gcloud CLI to create the cluster ('yarn:yarn.nodemanager.admin-env.SPARK_HOME=$SPARK_HOME') so that the shell doesn't try to resolve the $ locally before submitting.
Release Notes
Added support for Dataproc driver node groups. To use Dataproc driver node groups, when you create the Dataproc cluster, configure the following properties:
Note: The single quotes are important in the property when using gcloud CLI to create the cluster ('yarn:yarn.nodemanager.admin-env.SPARK_HOME=$SPARK_HOME') so that the shell doesn't try to resolve the $ locally before submitting.
Pinned fields
Click on the next to a field label to start pinning.
While creating the Dataproc cluster, properties
are needed.Note - The single quotes are important in the property when using gcloud CLI to create the cluster (
) so that the shell doesn't try to resolve the$
locally before submitting.