REST APIs for adding and deleting schedules from the application.
Release Notes
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Rohit Sinha April 6, 2017 at 6:51 AM
Last PR for this issue:

Denton Liu March 30, 2017 at 2:25 PM
I'm not sure how critical these issues are but you might want to take a look at and, @Rohit Sinha.

Priyanka Nambiar March 22, 2017 at 7:11 PM
Assigning to @Rohit Sinha to take to completion

Poorna Chandra March 16, 2017 at 11:18 PM
The changes made in PR requires all the fields of the schedule spec in an update call. However when a user only needs to change the time of the schedule, it is too much to expect the user to provide properties too. Also we don’t need to take program name during an update since we don’t allow updating the program name. It would be good if the update call re-uses fields runConstraints
and properties
when they are null in the schedule spec given during the call. To remove those fields explicitly, users will have to make those fields empty during the call.
Once the app with the schedule is deployed, there is no way to update the schedule apart from modifying the app and re-deploying it. We need REST APIs to add/delete schedules from the deployed application.