Talked to . We decided to just query the last 7 days (UTC time stamp - 7 days) as the start time for querying the logs.
Ajai Narayanan March 19, 2019 at 9:05 PM
Talked to . The UI will be using the `/uptime` endpoint in UI which gets the duration in ms. We can subtract this duration in milliseconds from UTC time to get the cdap start time. The min of startime or last 7 days is what we need to pass to the logs API to get all the logs since CDAP started.
Vinisha Shah March 18, 2019 at 8:31 PM
This happens because UI queries logs without specifying time range. In that case, backend returns logs for last 1 hour only. Instead if UI queries logs from start timestamp 7 days in past, then all the logs should be returned by backed. Had offline discussion about this with and
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The system service logs are not showing up both from UI and REST endpoints. I can only see appfabric logs from a k8s cluster