Pinned fields
Click on the next to a field label to start pinning.
Edwin Elia
Edwin EliaReporter
Lea Cuniberti-Duran
Lea Cuniberti-DuranLabels
Fix versions
Created January 12, 2018 at 6:55 PM
Updated June 16, 2020 at 12:26 AM
As a CDAP user, I want to see metrics related to the runs of a specific version of a pipeline.
Please implement the following style changes in the summary:
Chart View:
Add a visual indicator that a data point/bar is hovered: outline increases to 3 px Blue Grey_03
The order and style of the info popover changes to this
Title of the chart
Run number is displayed Run x of y
RunID link is added (follow same functionality pattern as the one currently used in the Table)
Start Time
Chart specific info
Pipeline Version
Acceptance Criteria
Metrics presented in the summary are version specific.
Version number is available in the title, in the chart and table view
In the Chart view, the user selects the data point/histogram bar or the run number in the popover to go to the detail view of that run.
In the Table view, the user selects the entire row of a run to go to the detail view of that run (on hover, the row background changes to Grey_08 #f5f5f5)