As a CDAP user, I want to have an organized view of the stage-level metrics where I can access information such as Run number, Run ID and metrics such as total errors, records per seconds, and process-related metrics.
Acceptance Criteria
The user needs to be able to view the Run number as well as view and copy the Run ID (use current pattern for view and copy Run ID)
As a CDAP user, I want to have an organized view of the stage-level metrics where I can access information such as Run number, Run ID and metrics such as total errors, records per seconds, and process-related metrics.
Acceptance Criteria
The user needs to be able to view the Run number as well as view and copy the Run ID (use current pattern for view and copy Run ID)
View the total number of Records In
View a graph mapping the number of Records In
View the total number of Records Out
View a graph mapping the number of Records Out
View the total number of Errors
View a graph mapping the number of Errors
Records In per Seconds
Records Out per Seconds
Min Process Time (one record)
Max Process Time (one record)
Standard Deviation
Average Process Time