Conditional Execution in Pipeline - Stage design
Release Notes
Implements the design for Condition, a special type of pipeline plugin.
relates to

Tony Bach August 17, 2017 at 11:58 PM
Pinned fields
Click on the next to a field label to start pinning.
Created August 1, 2017 at 6:06 PM
Updated August 25, 2017 at 6:19 AM
Resolved August 22, 2017 at 1:52 AM
As a CDAP user, I want to build pipelines that include conditional logic of true/false
The Condition stages are organized under the "Actions" category in the Pipeline Studio left rail- NEED TO VERIFY THAT.
Acceptance Criteria
The Condition stages have the same states of typical stages: normal, on hover, selected
Condition stage has the same size (100px by 100px) in Studio, Preview and Details
Outline stroke: hex #5c6788
Icon: 22px hex #5c6788
"Condition" + version hex #5c6788
Condition stage has a hamburger menu (menu's behavior is the same as the regular stages)
Connection to the Condition stage will be displayed as dash (2px dash; 4px space).
Connections to the Condition stage have the same behavior as the other stages (multiple connections are allowed, they connect separately, etc.)
Condition stage has two outgoing ports:
Green for "If True" hex #01b133
Red for "If False" hex #a40403
Outgoing connections are dashed and displayed with the same color of the port of origin (green #01b133 or red #a40403)
On hover, connection nodes have a visual signifier to indicate that the user can click and drag to create a connection
Connections have the same features as the current connections (add new, select, delete, etc)