Visualization of Pipeline Summary Metrics: Log Errors and Warnings
Release Notes
relates to

Bhooshan Mogal July 1, 2017 at 1:44 AM
has the pending items.
Ajai Narayanan June 30, 2017 at 11:34 PM
Things pending:
Tooltip appear on hover
Display RunTime arguments in the tooltip
Poll for runs and update the chart realtime
ID link in the table view
Sorting in table view
Hide tick lines in x-axis while choosing wider time range. Just display the label.
Ajai Narayanan June 23, 2017 at 11:25 PM
This PR adds Run History and Errors and Warnings logs graphs:
Pinned fields
Click on the next to a field label to start pinning.
Created June 12, 2017 at 11:00 PM
Updated July 14, 2017 at 12:25 AM
Resolved July 1, 2017 at 1:44 AM
As a user, I want to have a historical overview of the pipeline log errors and warnings, in either chart or table format
CHART VIEW (default view)
The data is displayed as a histogram, organized as follow:
Y axis: the number of errors and warnings (y axis).
X axis displays time or sequential pipeline runs depending on which view the user has selected. (Refer to
Each run is represented by a column
Errors and warning are stacked together.
Error: red hex #A40403
Warning: gold yellow hex #FDA639
When the user hovers on a specific run it highlights: outline 2px hex#fcf867
When the user hovers on any given run, the following metrics are displayed:
Title: (Log Errors and Warnings)
# or Errors: red hex #A40403
# or Warnings Status: gold yellow hex #FDA639
View Log (link)
Run number
Start time
Acceptance Criteria:
Each of the Run data points is clickable: the user opens a details view of that pipeline run
The metric window stays open long enough for the user to navigate over it and click on the link.
When the user moves the mouse, there may be a slight delay before the metric window closes, to allow the user to navigate to the window without it closing it
View Log link: it opens a new tab displaying the specific log of the run selected.
The following metrics are displayed:
Run number
Run ID link (see behavior below)
• Warnings
• View Log link
Start time
Acceptance Criteria
Each pipeline run is displayed in a row.
More than 8 rows, a scrolling bar is displayed.
Each of the rows is clickable and it highlights on hover (background changes to gray #f5f5f5)
The user can click on the "ID" link: a tooltip is displayed containing the Run ID, a green check mark and "Copied to clipboard"
. The tooltip disappears after 3 seconds
Each of the column headers can be selected to sort the content.
By default, the list is sorted by "Run Number" with the latest run displayed on top
Refer to