SFTP Put Action

The SFTP Put action plugin is available in the Hub.

Plugin version: 1.5.1

SFTP put allows uploading of file(s) from filesystem (local/HDFS) to FTP server. File Regex can also be used to filter only the files that are of interest.



Maco Enabled?



Maco Enabled?




Required. Host name of the SFTP server.



Optional. Port on which SFTP server is running.

Default is 22.

User Name


Required. Name of the user which will be used to connect to the SFTP server.



Required. Specifies the type of Authentication that will be used to connect to the SFTP Server. Default is PrivateKey.

Private Key


Optional. Private RSA Key to be used to connect to the SFTP Server. This key is recommended to be stored in the Secure Key Store, and macro called into the Configuration. Must be a RSA key starting with —–BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY—–

Private Key Passphrase


Optional. Passphrase to be used with RSA Private Key if a Passphrase was specified when key was generated.



Required. Password of the user.

Source Path


Required. Path of file or directory on the file system which is to be copied.

Destination Directory


Required. Destination directory on the FTP Server, where files need to be copied. If directory does not exist, it will be created.

Regex to match files that needs to be copied


Optional. Regex to choose only the files that are of interest. All files will be copied by default.

Properties for SSH


Optional. Specifies the properties that are used to configure SSH connection to the FTP server. For example to enable verbose logging add property 'LogLevel' with value 'VERBOSE'. To enable host key checking set 'StrictHostKeyChecking' to 'yes'. SSH can be configured with the properties described here https://linux.die.net/man/5/ssh_config.

Usage Notes

To perform SFTP Put, we require host and port on which the SFTP server is running. SFTP implements secure file transfer over SSH. Typically port number 22 is used for SFTP(which is also default port for SSH). We also require valid credentials in the form of user name and password. Please make sure that you are able to SSH to the SFTP server using specified user and password. SSH connection to SFTP server can be customized by providing additional configurations such as enable host key checking by setting configuration property 'StrictHostKeyChecking' to 'yes'. These additional configurations can be specified using Properties for SSH property.

Directory/File on the Filesystem which needs to be copied can be specified using Source Path property. The specified path should exist. Destination directory is the absolute path of the directory on the FTP Server where the files will be copied. If destination directory does not exists, then it will be created first.

Created in 2020 by Google Inc.