Salesforce Sink
The Salesforce sink plugin is available in the Hub.
Plugin version: 1.5.0
A batch sink that inserts sObjects into Salesforce. Examples of sObjects are opportunities, contacts, accounts, leads, any custom objects, etc.
Property | Macro Enabled? | Version Introduced | Description |
Reference Name | No | Â | Required. Used to uniquely identify this sink for lineage, annotating metadata, etc. |
Use Connection (yes/no toggle) | No | 1.5.0 | Optional. Use an existing connection. If a connection is used, you do not need to provide the credentials. |
Browse Connections | Yes | 1.5.0 | Optional. Name of the connection to use. Object Names information will be provided by the connection. You also can use the following macro function: |
Username | Yes | Â | Required. Salesforce username. |
Password | Yes | Â | Required. Salesforce password. |
Security Token | Yes | Â | Optional. Salesforce security token. If the password does not contain the security token the plugin will append the token before authenticating with Salesforce. |
Consumer Key | Yes | Â | Required. Application Consumer Key. This is also known as the OAuth client ID. A Salesforce connected application must be created in order to get a consumer key. |
Consumer Secret | Yes | Â | Required. Application Consumer Secret. This is also known as the OAuth client secret. A Salesforce connected application must be created in order to get a client secret. |
Login Url | Yes | Â | Required. Salesforce OAuth2 login URL. Default is |
Connection Timeout | Yes | 1.4.4 | Optional. Maximum time in milliseconds to wait for connection initialization before it times out. Default is 30000 milliseconds. |
Proxy URL | Yes | 1.4.5 | Optional. Proxy URL. Must contain a protocol, address and port. |
SObject Name | Yes |  | Required. Salesforce object name to insert records into. There are also sObjects that are not supported in the Bulk API of Salesforce. When a job is created using an object that is not supported in the Bulk API, “Entity is not supported by the Bulk API“ is thrown. These objects are also not supported by Einstein Analytics as it also uses Bulk API for querying data. Below is a non-comprehensive list of sObjects that are not currently available in the Bulk API:
Operation | Yes | Â | Required. Operation used for writing data into Salesforce.
Default is Insert. |
Upsert External ID Field | Yes |  | Optional. External ID field name. It is used only if operation is upsert or update. The field specified can be either ‘Id’ or any custom field, which has external ID attribute set. |
Job Concurrency Mode | Yes | 1.4.4 | Optional. The Salesforce job concurrency mode for the bulk job. Select one of the following options:
Default is Parallel. |
Max Records Per Batch | Yes | Â | Required. Maximum number of records to include in a batch when writing to Salesforce. This value cannot be greater than 10,000. Default is 10000. |
Max Bytes Per Batch | Yes | Â | Required. Maximum size in bytes of a batch of records when writing to Salesforce. This value cannot be greater than 10,000,000. Default it 10000000. |
Error Handling | Yes | Â | Required. Strategy used to handle erroneous records.
Default is Skip on error. |
Data Type Mapping
Salesforce Data Type | CDAP Schema Data Type |
_bool | bool |
_int | int |
_long | long |
_double, currency, percent | double |
date | date |
datetime | timestamp (microseconds) |
time | time (microseconds) |
picklist | string |
multipicklist | string |
combobox | string |
reference | string |
base64 | string |
textarea | string |
phone | string |
id | string |
url | string |
string | |
encryptedstring | string |
datacategorygroupreference | string |
location | string |
address | string |
anyType | string |
json | string |
complexvalue | string |
Created in 2020 by Google Inc.