Software Prerequisites
You'll need this software installed:
A Java runtime on each CDAP node and Hadoop data node.
A Hadoop, HBase, and Spark environment to run against.
CDAP nodes require Hadoop and HBase client installation and configuration. Note: No Hadoop services need actually be running.
We recommend installing an NTP (Network Time Protocol) daemon on all nodes of the cluster, including those with CDAP components.
Java Runtime
The latest JDK or JRE version 1.8.xx for Linux, Windows, or Mac OS X must be installed in your environment; we recommend the Oracle JDK.
To check the Java version installed, run the command:
$ java -version
CDAP is tested with both the Oracle JDK and the Open JDK; it may work with other JDKs but it has not been tested with them.
Once you have installed the JDK, you'll need to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable.
NTP (Network Time Protocol)
We recommend installing an NTP (Network Time Protocol) daemon on all nodes of the cluster, including those with CDAP components.
NTP requires that port 123 be open.
If your cluster does not have access to the internet, you can run a local version of NTP by setting up a master node as an NTP server.
Installing NTP on RPM using Yum
Install the NTP service and dependencies:
$ sudo yum install ntp ntpdate ntp-doc
Set the service to start at reboot:
$ sudo chkconfig ntpd on
Start the NTP server. This will continuously adjust the system time from an upstream NTP server:
Synchronize the system clock with the
server. You should use this command only once:Synchronize the hardware clock (to prevent synchronization problems), unless on a virtual server:
Installing NTP on Debian using APT
Install the NTP service and dependencies:
Start the NTP server. This will continuously adjust the system time from an upstream NTP server:
Synchronize the system clock with the
server. You should use this command only once:Synchronize the hardware clock (to prevent synchronization problems), unless on a virtual server:
NTP Troubleshooting and Configuration
To check the synchronization:
If you need to adjust the configuration (add or delete servers, use servers closer to you, etc.):