Directive migration
The following is the list of all the directives mapping from version 1.0 to version 2.0. Rewriter
allows you to convert from old format to new. If the recipe doesn't include #pragma version 2.0
the recipe is treated as version 1.0 and the rewriter is invoked, else new parser is used.
Name | Directive - Version 1.0 | Directive - Version 2.0 |
SET | set column salary salary > 100 ? 100 : salary | set-column :salary exp:{salary > 100 ? 100 : salary}; |
SET | set columns fname,lname,address,city,state,country,zipcode | set-columns :fname,:lname,:address,:city,:state,:country,:zipcode; |
RENAME | rename body_fname fname | rename :body_fname :fname; |
SET-TYPE | set-type value int | set-type :value int; |
DROP | drop fname,lname,address,zipcode,city | drop :fname,:lname,:address,:zipcode,:city; |
MERGE | merge fname lname name , | merge :fname :lname :name ','; |
UPPERCASE | uppercase name | uppercase :name; |
LOWERCASE | lowercase name | lowercase :name; |
TITLECASE | titlecase name | titlecase :name; |
INDEXSPLIT | indexsplit department 1 10 zone | indexsplit :department 1 10 :zone; |
SPLIT | split name , fname lname | split :name ',' :fname :lname; |
FILTER-ROW-IF-MATCHED | filter-row-if-matched address .*? | filter-row-if-matched :address '.*?'; |
FILTER-ROW-IF-NOT-MATCHED | filter-row-if-not-matched address .*? | filter-row-if-not-matched :address '.*?'; |
FILTER-ROW-IF-TRUE | filter-row-if-true age < 10.0 | filter-row-if-true exp:{age < 10.0}; |
FILTER-ROW-IF-FALSE | filter-row-if-false age < 10.0 && gender == 'm' | filter-row-if-false exp:{age < 10.0 && gender == 'm'}; |
SET-VARIABLE | set-variable test count > 10 | set-variable test exp:{count > 10}; |
INCREMENT-VARIABLE | increment-variable test 1 count > 10 | increment-variable test 1 exp:{count > 10}; |
MASK-NUMBER | mask-number ssn xxx-xx-#### | mask-number :ssn 'xxx-xx-####'; |
MASK-SHUFFLE | mask-shuffle address | mask-shuffle :address; |
FORMAT-DATE | format-date startdate yyyy-MM-dd | format-date :startdate 'yyyy-MM-dd'; |
FORMAT-UNIX-TIMESTAMP | format-unix-timestamp timestamp yyyy/MM/dd | format-unix-timestamp :timestamp 'yyyy/MM/dd'; |
QUANTIZE | quantize col1 col2 1:2=test,3:4=test1 | quantize :col1 :col2 1:2=test,3:4=test1; |
FIND-AND-REPLACE | find-and-replace name s/test//g | find-and-replace :name 's/test//g'; |
PARSE-AS-CSV | parse-as-csv body , true | parse-as-csv :body ',' true; |
PARSE-AS-JSON | parse-as-json body 1 | parse-as-json :body 1; |
PARSE-AS-PROTOBUF | parse-as-protobuf body test event 1.0 | parse-as-protobuf :body test 'event' '1.0'; |
JSON-PATH | json-path source target a/b/c | json-path :source :target 'a/b/c'; |
SET-CHARSET | set-charset body utf-8 | set-charset :body utf-8; |
INVOKE-HTTP | invoke-http http://a.b/json fname,lname,address a=b,x=y | invoke-http 'http://a.b/json' :fname,:lname,:address 'a=b,x=y'; |
SET-RECORD-DELIM | set-record-delim body , 10 | set-record-delim :body ',' 10; |
PARSE-AS-FIXED-LENGTH | parse-as-fixed-length body 3,4,5,6,7,8 # | parse-as-fixed-length :body 3,4,5,6,7,8 '#'; |
SPLIT-TO-ROWS | split-to-rows body , | split-to-rows :body ','; |
SPLIT-TO-COLUMNS | split-to-columns body , | split-to-columns :body ','; |
PARSE-XML-TO-JSON | parse-xml-to-json body 1 | parse-xml-to-json :body 1; |
PARSE-AS-XML | parse-as-xml xml | parse-as-xml :xml; |
PARSE-AS-EXCEL | parse-as-excel body 0 | parse-as-excel :body '0'; |
XPATH | xpath name fname /items/item/first_name | xpath :name :fname '/items/item/first_name'; |
XPATH-ARRAY | xpath-array name fname /items/item/first_name | xpath-array :name :fname '/items/item/first_name'; |
FLATTEN | flatten a,b,c,d | flatten :a,:b,:c,:d; |
COPY | copy source target true | copy :source :target true; |
FILL-NULL-OR-EMPTY | fill-null-or-empty value , | fill-null-or-empty :value ','; |
CUT-CHARACTER | cut-character phone areacode 1-3 | cut-character :phone :areacode '1-3'; |
GENERATE-UUID | generate-uuid ssn | generate-uuid :ssn; |
URL-ENCODE | url-encode url | url-encode :url; |
URL-DECODE | url-decode url | url-decode :url; |
PARSE-AS-LOG | parse-as-log body %m-%y-%{HOSTNAME} | parse-as-log :body '%m-%y-%{HOSTNAME}'; |
PARSE-AS-DATE | parse-as-date date UTC | parse-as-date :date 'UTC'; |
PARSE-AS-SIMPLE-DATE | parse-as-simple-date date yyyy-MM-dd | parse-as-simple-date :date 'yyyy-MM-dd'; |
DIFF-DATE | diff-date date1 date2 diffdate | diff-date :date1 :date2 :diffdate; |
KEEP | keep fname,lname,address,city,zipcode | keep :fname,:lname,:address,:city,:zipcode; |
PARSE-AS-HL7 | parse-as-hl7 body 1 | parse-as-hl7 :body 1; |
SPLIT-EMAIL | split-email email | split-email :email; |
SWAP | swap col1 col2 | swap :col1 :col2; |
HASH | hash col SHA1 true | hash :col 'SHA1' true; |
WRITE-AS-JSON-MAP | write-as-json-map output | write-as-json-map :output; |
WRITE-AS-JSON-OBJECT | write-as-json-object output fname,lname,address | write-as-json-object :output :fname,:lname,:address; |
WRITE-AS-CSV | write-as-csv output | write-as-csv :output; |
FILTER-ROWS-ON | filter-rows-on condition-false output < 10 | filter-rows-on condition-false exp:{output < 10}; |
FILTER-ROWS-ON | filter-rows-on condition-true output < 10 | filter-rows-on condition-true exp:{output < 10}; |
FILTER-ROWS-ON | filter-rows-on empty-or-null-columns fname,lname | filter-rows-on empty-or-null-columns :fname,:lname; |
FILTER-ROWS-ON | filter-rows-on regex-match col test* | filter-rows-on regex-match :col 'test*'; |
FILTER-ROWS-ON | filter-rows-on regex-not-match col test* | filter-rows-on regex-not-match :col 'test*'; |
PARSE-AS-AVRO-FILE | parse-as-avro-file body | parse-as-avro-file :body; |
SEND-TO-ERROR | send-to-error Fare < 8.06 | send-to-error exp:{Fare < 8.06}; |
FAIL | fail Fare < 8.06 | fail exp:{Fare < 8.06}; |
TEXT-DISTANCE | text-distance abc col1 col2 output | text-distance abc :col1 :col2 :output; |
TEXT-METRIC | text-metric abc col1 col2 output | text-metric abc :col1 :col2 :output; |
CATALOG-LOOKUP | catalog-lookup ICD-9 value | catalog-lookup 'ICD-9' :value; |
TABLE-LOOKUP | table-lookup value mylookup-table | table-lookup :value 'mylookup-table'; |
STEMMING | stemming text | stemming :text; |
COLUMNS-REPLACE | columns-replace s/body_//g | columns-replace 's/body_//g'; |
EXTRACT-REGEX-GROUPS | extract-regex-groups body s/body_//g | extract-regex-groups :body 's/body_//g'; |
SPLIT-URL | split-url url | split-url :url; |
CLEANSE-COLUMN-NAMES | cleanse-column-names | cleanse-column-names; |
CHANGE-COLUMN-CASE | change-column-case upper | change-column-case upper; |
SET-COLUMN | set-column value output > 10 ? 'test' : 'non-test' | set-column :value exp:{output > 10 ? 'test' : 'non-test'}; |
ENCODE | encode base64 binary | encode base64 :binary; |
DECODE | decode base64 binary | decode base64 :binary; |
TRIM | trim name | trim :name; |
LTRIM | ltrim name | ltrim :name; |
RTRIM | rtrim name | rtrim :name; |
Created in 2020 by Google Inc.