Platform Metadata Field-Level Lineage

CDAP provides a way to retrieve the lineage for dataset entities. A dataset entity can have associated schema. The schema defines different fields in the dataset along with their data type information. Field Level Lineage allows a user to get more granular lineage view of a dataset. A field lineage for a given dataset shows for the specified time range all the fields that were computed for a dataset and the fields from source datasets that participated in computation of those fields. Field lineage also shows the detail operations that caused the transformation from fields of a source dataset to the field of a given dataset.

Example Use Case

Data analytics group in an Airline company wants to perform analytical queries on the passenger information stored on SFTP servers. To run the workload, passenger information is imported to Hadoop. Because the data can come from a variety of sources, the data is normalized into standard format while importing. PII information is also obfuscated.

By looking at the dataset in Hadoop, a data officer or Business Analyst wants to understand the meaning of the field "fullName" by reading how it was produced. For example, a data officer might want to know that the "fullName" field was created by concatenating the "firstName" and "lastName" fields, both of which were extracted as positional fields from a CSV record in the source named "passengerList". Additionally, typically in a triage or debugging scenario, an operation team or developer wants to identify how a field was computed when fields show up with wrong values.

Concepts and Terminology

  • Field: Field identifies column in a dataset. Field has a name and data type.

  • EndPoint: EndPoint defines the source or destination of the data along with its namespace from where the fields are read or written to.

  • Field Operation: Operation defines a single computation on a field. It has a name and description.

  • Read Operation: Type of operation that reads from the source EndPoint and creates collection of fields.

  • Transform Operation: Type of operation that transforms collection of input fields to collection of output fields.

  • Write Operation: Type of operation that writes the collection of fields to the destination EndPoint.

  • Origin: Origin of the field is the name of the operation that outputted the field. The <origin, fieldName> pair is used to uniquely identify the field because the field can appear in the outputs of multiple operations.

Field Lineage for CDAP Programs

Field Lineage recording is supported from MapReduce and Spark programs.

Note: All the operations that CDAP programs record must have unique names.

Consider a simple MapReduce program that reads the passenger information stored in CSV files and normalizes the data into standard format before storing it in the CDAP dataset. The program assumes that the fields in the CSV files are as follows: id, firstName, lastName, address. The program then concatenate firstName and lastName to create fullName. The address field is normalized into standard format. In this case, the program can record the following field operations:

The ReadOperation to represent read from passengerList file to create fields id, firstName, lastName, and address:

Operation read = new ReadOperation("Read", "Read passenger information", EndPoint.of("ns", "passengerList"), "id", "firstName", "lastName", "address");

The TransformOperation to represent the concatenation of fields firstName and lastName:

Operation concat = new TransformOperation("Concat", "Concatenated fields", Arrays.asList(InputField.of("Read", "firstName"), InputField.of("Read", "lastName")), "fullName");

Another TransformOperation to represent the normalization of address:

Operation normalize = new TransformOperation("Normalize", "Normalized field", Collections.singletonList(InputField.of("Read", "address")), "address");

Finally WriteOperation to represent the fields are being written to the example CDAP dataset passenger::

Note that both TransformOperation and WriteOperation take list of InputField as a parameter representing input fields to the operation. InputField is a pair of origin and field name that identifies the input unambiguously. For example, the Write operation above uses the address field that Normalize operation generates, not the one that Read operation generates.

The initialize() method, which is invoked at runtime before a MapReduce or Spark program is executed, can submit the Field operations created above to the platform:

Field Lineage for CDAP Data Pipelines

Plugins in CDAP data pipelines can also record the field lineage. All plugin types except sparkprogram support field lineage. The capability to record lineage is available in the prepareRun() method of the plugin by using the context provided to the prepareRun() method.

Note: Individual plugins can record multiple operations, and all operations recorded by single plugin must have unique names.

Consider the use case above for importing the passenger information but with a CDAP data pipeline that consists of File Source, Concatenate, Address Normalizer, and Table Sink plugins.

These plugins can record the following field lineage operations:

File Source plugin can record the FieldReadOperation, which represents reading the passenger information stored in CSV file to create the following fields id, firstName, lastName, and address. The fields belong to the output schema:

Concatenate plugin concatenates the fields as represented by the plugin config and record the FieldTransformOperation in its prepareRun method:

Similarly Address Normalizer plugin can record the FieldTransformOperation representing address normalization:

Finally, Table sink can record FieldWriteOperation representing writing fields to dataset:


Created in 2020 by Google Inc.