Custom Hub

Hosting a Custom Hub

The Hub APIs are simply a contract about the directory structure of the Hub.

The directory structure must be:

<base>/v2/packages.json <base>/v2/packages/<package-name>/<version>/icon.png <base>/v2/packages/<package-name>/<version>/spec.json <base>/v2/packages/<package-name>/<version>/spec.json.asc <base>/v2/packages/<package-name>/<version>/<resource1> <base>/v2/packages/<package-name>/<version>/<resource1>.asc <base>/v2/packages/<package-name>/<version>/<resource2> <base>/v2/packages/<package-name>/<version>/<resource2>.asc ...

Hosting a custom Hub can be done by setting up a server that follows the same path structure.

One possible setup is to keep your packages in a source control repository whose directory structure matches the one required by the Hub. The repository can be checked out onto one or more machines, with an Apache server configured to serve content from that directory. A tool can be run to create the catalog file from all the package specifications, and to create all the signature files.

Another possible setup is to serve the Hub catalog and packages from Amazon S3.

To configure the location of the Hub, when you are using a custom Hub instead of the public Hub, configure the property market.base.url in the cdap-site.xml file to point to the location of your custom Hub. For more information about the market.base.url, see Hub Parameters and Hub Architecture.


Created in 2020 by Google Inc.