Twitter Tweet Stream Source
Plugin version: 2.10.1
The source is used whenever you want to sample tweets from Twitter in real-time using Spark Streaming. For example, you may want to read tweets and store them in a table where they can be accessed by your data scientists to perform experiments.
Samples tweets in real-time through Spark streaming. Output records will have this schema:
field name | type |
id | long |
message | string |
lang | nullable string |
time | nullable long |
favCount | int |
rtCount | int |
source | nullable string |
geoLat | nullable double |
geoLong | nullable double |
isRetweet | boolean |
See the Twitter OAuth documentation for more information on obtaining your access token and access token secret. The consumer key and secret are specific to your Twitter app. Login, view your apps, and then click on the relevant app to find the consumer key and secret.
Property | Macro Enabled? | Description |
Reference Name | No | Required. This will be used to uniquely identify this source for lineage, annotating metadata, etc. |
Access Token | Yes | Required. Twitter Access Token. |
Access Token Secret | Yes | Required. Twitter Access Token Secret. |
Consumer Key | Yes | Required. Twitter Consumer Key. |
Consumer Secret | Yes | Required. Twitter Consumer Secret. |
Property | Value |
Reference Name |
Access Token |
Access Token Secret |
Consumer Key |
Consumer Secret |
Created in 2020 by Google Inc.